Did Jesus try to SAVE the world?

In some parts of Christian theology, we have the teaching that Christians must try to save the world; get out there; get out there; get to the lost souls for if we do not they are off to hell-fire, or if you are Roman Catholic, you may say they are off to purgatory. And at least a purgatory chance to "get to heaven from there" is better than no chance at all, as many Protestants teach.

I have just finished listening to a presentation of the "Faith of the Canaanite woman" in Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7. It is one of the course studies put out by "Great Courses."

The lady presenting these series of studies of New Testament figures, has given a most interesting half hour study on this part of Jesus' ministry. She talked about it being on face value something that does not seem to flatter Jesus, and she discusses all the various interpretations by "church fathers" down through the centuries, to explain with a "softer" understanding of this incident.
Some give shades of Greek word meaning to give Jesus a softer approach; some parable type meanings; and some just various human reasoning meanings - just about everything to try and "soften" Jesus' somewhat blunt talk to this lady, whom he ignored or just would not help.

The lady presenter of this lecture comes back to state that although all these explanations may have a little merit in them, there really is no need to explain it in any other way that what is plainly stated.

Jesus told the lady who came to Him for help, that He really was not sent to serve Gentiles but the lost sheep of the House of Israel - yes a nationalistic service He was doing. This lady them came and worshipped before His feet. The lady just was not going to give up that easily, even to the point of getting in front of Jesus' feet. Christ would certainly know she was there and He had to walk around her if He wanted nothing to do with her. She asked again for help for her daughter who had a demon bothering her. Jesus says, "It is not fitting to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." Not a very flattering way to say "no." There is no need to give fancy explanations on the word "dogs" for it was a commonly used expression even by Gentiles of the time. A dog can be any dog, but can be a nice household dog. The main thing Jesus was saying is that "children" of the Master come first.....the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and everyone else is later.....the children come first. And so Jesus is telling us that He was NOT trying to serve or help or "save" the world.

Now the lady was still not going to give up that easily. With some fine wisdom, she takes the children/dog analogy and turns it back to Jesus....."I understand Lord, but the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from the master's table." You see the dogs could be very nice household pet dogs. She was not offended.

WOW...WHAT AN ANSWER SHE GAVE! And with that answer of pure wisdom in humility towards THE Master, Jesus said, "O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." And the healing was done.

BUT THE FACT: JESUS WAS NOT DOING A MINISTRY THAT WAS OUT TO SAVE THE WORLD. There is no talk in the Gospels about Jesus saying, "Now look disciples of mine, we have to get out there and save and save and save just as many far and wide as possible, otherwise they are off to hell-fire."

We see also earlier in Matthew 13 as to why Jesus gave parables - Matthew 13:10-17. And it was so people would NOT understand with their hearts, and be converted, and be healed." Yes there it is in plain language in verse 15.

But on the other hand God inspired Peter to write that God wishes ALL to come to repentance and that none should perish - 2 Peter 3:9.

Then you need to read Romans chapter 9 through to chapter 11. And note some very clear verses, that mean what they say and say what they mean.

The Eternal God is working out a PLAN of salvation on this earth with ALL humans that have ever lived or been conceived.

You need to go to my website and study the study called "The Great White Throne Judgment" and learn the basic outline of God's plan of salvation for everyone, past, present, and future.

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