North Korea BLOWUP!

So for the third time the vain pompous North Koreans tried to send a rocket into space.

Their aim was off and the rocket blew up and fell into the sea.

Not to worry or be concerned with North Korea, they are NOT slated by God to be any kind of major player in end time Bible prophecy.

But they will meet the end of their dictatorial communist ideology, and will, with all nations have to submit to the rule of Jesus Christ, when He comes back as a waring King, to put down those who will be destroying the earth at that time. He will come with justice, and righteousness, and with a rod of iron. Then North Korea will KNOW their is an Eternal God whom they will have to acknowledge does live, and is Supreme in the universe.

So we have this sling throwing of women who haven't worked outside the home, a jab by some gal from the Democratic Party to Romney's wife.

It is sickening.....politics is dirty and vain and nasty. Can God be in politics as we present it..... I dogmatic say He's NOT!

All women with families WORK!! To imply they have not is crazy. Oh no doubt mud will be thrown more from BOTH sides before the voting day. A sign of the deterioration of the USA nation.

Oh yes a few days later President Obama and his wife did come out in support of Moms that stay at home with their children. Of course any common logic will tell anyone that Moms work very hard to be "stay at home Moms."

Politics .... then whoever gets in, they go to church, but like most church goers, they probably have not a clue about what is in the Bible they carry, and if they do they find it impossible to turn the country back to following the Bible.

The next few day could be a HUGE BLAST for the USA with Tornados; last year at this time 350 or so killed and tens of millions in damage. They are predicting it could all happen again.

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