Tips to Boost Metabolism Naturally

Part 2 of 2: What it REALLY takes to Change Your Body, Boost Metabolism & Lose Fat

Have your metabolism assessed.  Seventy to eight percent of individuals over age 35 have a damaged metabolism. If you have a damaged metabolism, you’re breaking down muscle tissue (catabolic) and accelerating the aging process. Skipping meals, sleep deprivation, eating excess carbs, overdoing cardio, food sensitivities, adrenal dysfunction, hormone imbalances, low calorie diets and inadequate protein intake ALL lead to a damaged metabolism. Adrenal burnout and insulin resistance disrupt a healthy metabolism. Cortisol breaks down muscle tissue. If you’re insulin resistant you most likely have elevated levels of cortisol whereas those with hypoglycemia usually have low cortisol.

Heal the gut. At least 80% of individuals suffer from some sort of digestive inflammation or challenge. If your goal is to build muscle, you must break down and absorb the nutrients needed to build muscle. Parasites, Candida, bacteria imbalances, H.pylori, food allergies, inflammation, malabsorption issues and incomplete digestion must be dealt with.

Get plenty of restful sleep. Get to bed by 10 p.m. every night. Planning rest into your day is vital for recovery, boosting metabolism, results and fat loss. Most people think building muscle is just hitting the gym with an intense workout (archaic and catabolic). Never underestimate the importance of sleep, rest and recovery for metabolic function and fat loss.

You are what you eatFocus on eating nutritious, real foods at least 90-95% of the time. Many people think eating healthy is snacking on a protein bar for a meal, drinking diet sodas or protein shakes (which they can’t digest), microwaving processed foods, eating lowfat or nonfat foods, and eating hydrogenated fats. Then, they wonder why their body isn’t changing and they feel like crap. Eat real food for a healthy functioning metabolism ► Foods for Health, Vitality, Longevity & Fat Loss

Include protein at every meal, starting with breakfast to keep your blood sugar balanced, mood stabilized, rev up your metabolism and to create an anabolic environment. The first 40gm of protein you eat every day goes to rebuild your immune system. If you are not rebuilding your immune system, you’ll have a hard time rebuilding your brain chemistry to be happy and think straight, and you’ll never be able to build muscle. The amount of protein you need is individual, and depends on your activity level, metabolism, lifestyle, digestive health and body weight.

Intermittent fasting can help break through fat loss plateaus. Short periodic fasting of 12 hours along with high intensity exercise increases human growth hormone (HGH) and decreases fat mass. An example of this is to stop eating at 6pm and resume a healthy meal at 6am the following morning. I personally do not advise fasting for longer periods!

An article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated other benefits of intermittent fasting including improved insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake, lower blood pressure, reduced oxidative damage to lipids, protein and DNA, increased HDL, lower inflammation, and reduced risk of diabetes.

Strength training, high-intensity intervals and self-myofascial release (SMR) with the foam roller. To complete your workouts, always include protein within 30 minutes after your workout to promote protein synthesis, recovery, avoid catabolism and boost metabolism. I like Vital Whey or Whey Cool, or one of my favorite vegetarian options: protein, greens, BCAAs and L-Glutamine as my post training nutrition.

Support Nutritional Deficiencies. There is no way you’ll be able to get all of the nutrients you need from food if your metabolism is damaged, you exercise intensely or have any type of health challenge. Schedule a consultation to determine the ideal nutrition support for your unique biochemistry. Remember, it’s not a one-supplement-fits-all approach.

The truth is boosting metabolism is NOT about counting calories, willpower, excessive exercise or calories in/calories out. You must factor in hormonal balance, adrenal function, food choice, toxicity, inflammation and unresolved emotional issues, which are often the root cause of unhealthy eating habits and excessive weight.

A clean, nutritious diet, proper supplementation, smart exercise, restful sleep, balanced hormones, a healthy gut, addressing food intolerances and sensitivities, lowering inflammation, eliminating toxins, mindset, underlying infections, emotions and managing stress are ALL part of the fat loss equation.

Remember, there are no short cuts. Be consistent. Listen to your body. Be patient. Make it a sustainable lifestyle. Follow the solid principles found in my books, Fat Loss Revolution and The Power of 4 and you will change your body, boost your metabolism and lose fat for good!

Do you want a personalized lifestyle plan that guarantees results? Make an appointment. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. I consult with clients locally in the Phoenix area and with men and women around the world via telephone or Skype. Thank you! Red heart

Have a Happy Healthy Day!

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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