April Challenge: answer a question
An active forum is the best kind. This brief participation will keep your forum active and probably inspire more responses and new topics. Share your thread in the comments if you think we'd enjoy participating in it too!
I've seen a trend with students asking very detailed questions on this forum. I think this is a good time to touch on the etiquette for those asking questions.
- Don't thread-jack: if someone has posted a topic titled "Environmental Control Units" don't jump in with your detailed question about home modifications or iPad apps. Make your own topic.
- Don't overwhelm: sometimes I see people post huge paragraph questions that they have been given to interview an OT in a specific field. this is too much for most people to want to choose to respond to in an impersonal setting.
-Don't cheat: if you were given a case study in class, it's a class assignment that you need to develop clinical reasoning to solve. Don't expect a practitioner to take your case study and develop goals and a treatment plan.
- Get personal: if you have long questions, my best suggestion is to find someone on a forum who is active and appears to be knowledgeable in the topic you're looking for. Then send them a personal message or email asking if you can send them longer questions.
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