Banana's Amazing Health and Medicinal Benefits

The banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called plantains-Wikipedia

 Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, it can be eaten easily without need for a knife. It is one of the healthiest and medicinal fruits on Earth. Banana contains 21% carbohydrates. It contains a small amount of proteins (1%) and a very little amount of fat less than 0.5. It is very iconic for its vitamin B6 content.

About three medium sized bananas provide the recommended daily allowance of this vitamin for adult male. Banana also contains significant amount of vitamin B1, B2 C and E as well as FOLATES. It is also rich in minerals among which are potassium, magnesium and iron. Banana also contains a significant amount of vegetable fiber which contributes to its ability to lower fat and cholesterol level.

                                                            BANANA MEDICINAL VALUES

  1. Treatment of intestinal disorder: bananas a are effective in relieving diarrhea. It may be eaten abundantly or exclusively for days in the case of ulcer patients, it neutralizes the excess acidity of gastric juice in the stomach thereby reducing the effect of ulcer.

  2. It is very rich in potassium and low in sodium; this makes it the ideal food in the case of coronary heart disease. A diet in potassium and low in sodium prevents hypertension, stroke and even cancer. The potassium content is healthy in the treatment of heart and arterial hypertension and also maintains a healthy heart.

  3. Prevent Heart Attack: this is because of the B group vitamins contents which help in producing energy within the heart muscle, as well as magnesium which prevents heart attack.

  4. Good for pregnancy and lactation: it contains some protein of about 1% which is good; they also contain folate which prevents fetal nervous system malformation.

  5. Treatment of arthritis and gout: it alkalizes the blood, which helps neutralizes and eliminates the excess urea that causes arthritis and gout.

  6.  Good for stress control: the potassium content in it helps to normalize the heart and regulates body balance which turns to control stress.

Banana is healthier eaten raw, we should note that bananas collected unripe and artificially ripened in chambers have fewer nutrients than those ripened on tree.

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