Miscarriage -Best Tips To Stop Miscarriage
Miscarriage is the most common complications of early pregnancy, among women who know they are pregnant miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20% while rates among all conception is around 30% to 50%. About 50% of pregnant women have two miscarriages in a row.
A psychological trauma often follows it. Research by a female psychologist has shown that (50%) of women develop psychological distress immediately after miscarriage while 25% did after 3months, 18% showed symptoms after 6months and 11% at 1year.
Women who have experienced it may find it very difficult to get along after its occurrence. Inadequate care and companionship from spouse or insensitive responses from medical practitioners can increase her psychological distress.
CLASSIFICATION: majority of miscarriage which occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are classified as early miscarriage while those occurring after the 13th week are known as late miscarriage.
Miscarriage includes
Threatened: where there is virginal bleeding with or without cramp like pain.
Inevitable: where bleeding is heavy with clots.
Incomplete: where there are remnants of placenta within the uterus causing bleeding.
Complete: occurs when the conceptus, placenta and membranes are expelled completely from the uterus.
Silent: where the embryo dies, despite the presence of a viable placenta.
The commonest symptom of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding which vary from light bleeding or spotting to heavy bleeding, decrease in pregnancy signs, weight loss and at times pain worse than menstrual cramps.
Common causes include; anatomical causes, genetic defect; a nature’s way of getting rid of malformed babies, blood clotting-high homocysteinen levels causing blood to clot more easily than normal, immunological disorder(hormonal imbalance), reproductive tract infections, fibroid and uterine abnormalities, use of contraceptives, improper abortion.
Associated risk factors to miscarriage include; previous miscarriage, women that are age (35) years and above, exposure to tobacco smoke, obesity, diabetes, drug abuse, hard drugs, caffeine, alcohol usage.
They are natural ways of preventing miscarriage, with the approach of trying to decrease the chances of miscarriage. There are no guarantees, but these great tips will help nourish the body and prevent it, a healthy pregnancy will occur and there is a greater percentage the baby won’t be lost.
- Prepare for conception with fertility cleansing, which supports the liver in cleansing the body of old toxins and excess hormones. Cleanse the uterus of old content to increase its circulation and tone.
- Go for an infection test and treat all infections especially uterus infections.
- Eat a healthy balance diet for at least 90days before trying to conceive.
- Apply fertility or abdominal massage therapist, or learn how to apply fertility massage at home.
- Eat a nutrient dense fertility diet for at least 90days before trying to conceive.
- Apply fertility or abdominal massage therapist, or learn how to apply fertility massage at home.
- Build a healthy system by taking multivitamin that contain folic acid, vitamin B6, B12 and omega 3 acid
- Apply a herb and supplement program for recurrent miscarriages supplements should be taken at least 2months in preparation for conception. They include; systematic enzyme therapy, maca, vitex angus, progesterone.
The following herbs when combined in a liquid extract will greatly help prepare the uterus for conception and support in sustaining the pregnancy. Herbal formulae is best taken 3months before conception and continues at least two weeks past the latest gestation week of past miscarriage.
Example of herbal formulas: they include Cramp Bark(virburnum opulus), Black Haw(virbunum prunifoluim), Patridge Berry(mitchella rapens), Oat flowers(avena sativa).
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