UPDATE: iPad and MediTech Electronic Medical / Health Records

Ever since I wrote my initial impressions of using the iPad with Meditech EMR on June 12, 2010, that blog article has received almost a thousand hits since that time, averaging about 20 hits per day. I've even been featured in Meditech news.

Also in the interval period, I have received numerous inquiries from health systems all over North America using MediTech regarding more specifics on how the iPad is used/incorporated into MediTech EMR.  Due to this interest, I've decided to write an update regarding what is going on since that initial blog article...

SO... I no longer need to use LogMeIn in order to access MediTech. Since then, Fauquier Hospital has upgraded their Citrix infrastructure so I now use a Citrix Receiver app (free in iTunes) to access MediTech.

Things are of course much faster, but still not quite as fast as I would like it to be. Currently, the hospital and I are working to resolve some of the speed issues seen. McKesson PACS (radiology imaging software) also is on the drawing board for direct Citrix access rather than going through MediTech which would also be welcome.

I recently heard from a confidential and utterly reliable source that MediTech has been asked to create a native app for the iPad (thus avoiding Citrix altogether), but the company at this time has politely declined to develop such an app that would hugely improve the user experience and most likely speed.

I would encourage all MediTech users to contact MediTech directly and demand/request that such a native iPad app be developed which would be immensely beneficial and strongly desired. Otherwise, alternative 3rd party software like Citrix will have to be used along with its inherent handicaps.

Click here to view MediTech's contact information.

Related iPad and MediTech Blog Articles:
6/12/10 iPad Use In the Medical Clinic and/or Hospital For the Surgeon Doctor
6/19/10 The Perfect Computer for Healthcare and Electronic Medical Records
9/8/10 Dr. Chang Featured in Magazine Article on Using iPad with MediTech EMR
10/12/10 UPDATE #2: iPad and MediTech Electronic Medical / Health Records
10/25/10 New Video Produced on Using MediTech on the iPad!

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