Mozart May Help with Tinnitus
At worst, it can literally drive a person crazy.
Neuromonics is perhaps one of the very few treatment protocols that has been proven to work resolving/improving tinnitus in 80-90% of patients over a period of months.
However, it is expensive... typically around $6000 out-of-pocket.
In a study out of Italy, a group of patients between 22 and 78 years of age who suffered from tinnitus were told to listen to Mozart's Sonata k448
For all the parameters investigated, there was a general significant improvement between the pre- and post-listening evaluation. Significant improvement in several parameters were seen even after a single exposure to Mozart's sonata.
So apparently listening to Mozart may not help only baby's to become smarter (debatable), but it can help adults as well.
It's also cheap... about as much as it takes to download the songs from a music store.
Some other thoughts that may require additional research...
• What if a patient hates classical music?
• Does "how" a patient listens to the music affect results? (Playing the music in background while doing some other activity versus doing nothing other than listening to the music.)
• How long does the improvement last after treatment?
• What about other songs by Mozart?
But... all in all... given it is cheap... it certainly can't hurt to give it a try.
The Mozart effect in patients suffering from tinnitus. Acta Oto-laryngologica. Posted online on October 1, 2012. (doi:10.3109/00016489.2012.684398)
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