
If you have been watching the news you'll know what the "One Hundred Years" is all about.

Yes, the mighty unsinkable ship, the one that even God could not sink.....well it SANK!!

It is exactly 100 years to the day (April 14th 1912) that the Titanic went to the bottom of the ocean, and all those lives were lost.

You will not know but I have a connection.....well kinda.....with the history of that event.
Most will not know that Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was the sea-port town where most of the bodies of the dead (those that died in the sea, frozen to death, and some that surfaced from the Titanic, like two of the band members) came to rest in the grave yard of Halifax. Many have been visiting this grave-yard and Titanic museum (many of the now recovered Titanic memorabilia).

The full sadness as one young lady said to the TV news interviewer while wiping away her tears, "I did not expect to read on a head stone about a mother and her 4 children who died."

You all know the facts; hitting an iceberg; not enough life-boats for all the people.

Many things came into being after Titanic went down. USA/Canadian Ice-berg watching network set up. Enough life-boats to accommodate all passengers and crew.

Oh my "connection" .... not really that kind of connection you may be thinking. I was raised in a town in England called Halifax.

So you have this big cruise ship that set out from Halifax, Nova Scotia and will this day - 14th - be right over the top of the Titanic. Some of the passengers are descendants of some who lost their lives on the Titanic. One lady descendant said "I'll be able to say hello and goodbye at the same time," then wiped the tears away.

I did go back to see the redone 3D movie out recently on the movie Titanic. I had not seen it since it came out 15 years ago. The 3D was nothing exceptional, but the movie was moving, and how they did it all so realistically blows me away.

When I came over to Canada in 1961 at age 18, I had not even heard or read about the Titanic. Never came up (a bad pun) in school. But I did decide to come to Canada by ship. I came in May not April. I still have my original Passport (doesn't look a day older than when issued) - landed as a Canadian immigrant May 23rd 1961.

But my experience of 7 days on the sea, was as smooth as a baby's bottom as they say. The sea for 7 days was as calm and as smooth as a ping-pong table, not a cloud in the sky - sunny and warm for 7 full days. The food was out of this world (and back then I could eat a full good 3 meals a day and not gain an ounce). Oh the ships back then did not have all the many fancy things as they do now. There was a movie theater, but do not remember a swimming pool (if there was I did not use it). There was one band and one dance floor.

Yes, all went well for me, met some nice people on the ship, and on the 3 days train ride from Montreal to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I arrived in Saskatoon, out West, in hot sunny weather, turned out to be a draught year, in the 90 F all summer long. I felt like I had arrived home - out West, to sing, yodel, play my guitar and ride horses. I had set my goal, was making my way to bring it to pass. I had no idea God had other plans for me. Plans that actually took a long time to come to reality, but all along the way I was learning and being prepared. And at the age of 40 I finally knew what the Lord had decided. The full reality of it all is my website and now my youtube (1horsesrcool).

We never know what life will come our way. For those many on the Titanic they never knew death was coming their way.

So one big lesson for all of us is enjoy each and ever day you are given. Wow come this next Feast of Tabernacles it will be 30 years since I was ordained a minister of Jesus Christ - 30 whole years - how time flies along. If I'm granted another 30 years in the flesh, I'll be 100 years old. But Lord we'd sure like you to come before another 30 years goes by.

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