Hair Loss: Reasons & Remedies
Hair loss can be scary, embarrassing and devastating especially for women. Both men and women may notice a natural physiologic thinning of their hair starting in their late 30s and into their 40s due to hormonal changes. Aside from the normal thinning of hair due to age, hair loss is an indication that your body is out of balance. Excessive hair loss can be attributed to a number of different reasons (see list below), including serious health problems.
Each individual is unique as to why they’re losing hair and a number of factors should be observed and ruled out so a specific healing approach can be put into practice.
Various Reasons that Cause Hair Loss
- Nutritional deficiencies or excesses. When you’re deficient in essential vitamins/minerals/nutrients, it not only affects your health, but also your hair.
- Common deficiencies for hair loss include amino acid deficiency, essential fatty acid deficiency and zinc deficiency
- Iron deficiency or iron anemia (cause of hair loss in 72% of pre-menopausal women)
- The normal aging process. At least fifty percent of all women aged 45-50 experience problems with hair thinning.
- HCL deficiency, poor protein digestion and other digestive problems are very common and a contributor of hair loss and thinning hair particularly with females. Low stomach acid (hypochorhydria) results in malabsorption of important nutrients and an inability to breakdown protein.
- Hormone imbalances including hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s, hyperthyroid and estrogen dominance. The specific imbalance can be identified through a Comprehensive and Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis.
- Female pattern baldness is caused by sex hormone imbalances. PCOS (high insulin and elevated levels of testosterone that is converted into DHT).
- Hormonal changes including puberty, pregnancy, peri-menopause, andropause and menopause can trigger hair loss.
- Candida; parasites, bacteria and fungal infections
- Extremely low calorie diets; Malnutrition; Anorexia
- Chronic sleep loss
- Genetics and family history (look at Mom and Grandma’s hair)
- Depleted adrenals, emotional and physical stress. Typically, hair loss happens two to three months after a major traumatic and stressful event such as a physical illness, major surgery, the death of a loved one or divorce.
- OTC drugs such as Ibuprofenm and NSAIDs and prescription medications including birth control pills, antibiotics, statin drugs, antidepressants, meds to treat arthritis, gout, cancer, heart problems, and high blood pressure can ALL cause hair loss
- Diets high in sugar, carbs, processed foods and grains
- Scalp inflammation
- Toxic hair products, excessive hair coloring, chemical treatments and over-styling can damage hair causing it to thin.
As you can see from the lengthy list above, it is not a “one reason fits all’” when it comes to thinning hair and hair loss.
First and foremost – determine what’s causing your hair to thin or fall out and then implement the appropriate nutritional support, diet modifications and lifestyle changes to alleviate the problem.
Many younger women experience thinning hair due to incomplete protein digestion as a result of insufficient stomach acid. It’s important to prioritize gut function, diet and determine nutritional deficiencies. Poor protein digestion results in low levels of essential amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals. Without sufficient essential amino acids, hair starts to thin out. The problem can be remedied by supplementation with HCL capsules with meals, essential amino acids, vitamin and mineral support.
The proper use of specific vitamins and minerals, a real food diet, correcting nutrient deficiencies and excesses, balancing hormones, ruling out underlying infections such as Candida, and choosing all natural hair products are surefire solutions that can help prevent hair loss, thinning and balding. However, treatment is individual and depends on the person.
Solutions for Beautiful, Shiny Hair: Prevent Hair Loss & Increase Hair Growth
Start with your Diet
- If iron anemic, include more iron-rich foods (wild fish, shrimp, grass-fed red meats, dark leafy greens)
- Eat a nutrient-dense organic diet with plenty of clean animal protein. Hair is comprised of protein and insufficient protein can reduce hair growth and cause hair loss.
- Aloe Vera juice taken orally
- Kelp
- Bone broth
- Hydrate your body! Drink plenty of clean filtered water every day.
- Rule out Candida or other bacteria / fungal infections
- Determine thyroid, adrenal and hormonal imbalances
- Balance body chemistry with a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis to determine underlying nutrient excesses or insufficiencies. Low iron and low ferritin (the stored form of iron) are two of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Get a copy of your lab results and be sure iron and ferritin have been specifically tested. Even if ferritin and iron are within the ‘normal’ ranges does not mean they’re ‘optimal’.
- Correct gut dysfunction, heal leaky gut and address HCL deficiency
- Practice daily stress-reducing techniques
Nutritional Support. This list is extensive and will be different for each person.
- Primary
- B-complex, especially folate, B12 and B6
- Biotin
- HCL (Digestzymes or Betaine Plus HP)
- Zinc (a common nutrient deficiency) stimulates hair follicles.
- Essential fatty acids with GLA helps slow hair loss
- Bio D Mulsion Forte, an emulsified form of vitamin D
- Secondary
- MSM (sulfur containing supplement); take with Molybdenum to help your body metabolize the sulfur.
- Iodine / Iodide (Iodizyme) prevents hair loss
- Silica
- Vitamin E
- N-acetyl-cysteine
- DIM; Indole-3-carbinol (especially helpful for those with excess estrogen)
- Saw palmetto is helpful for those with PCOS as is White Peony tea
- Selenium helps hair grow
Visit the website store for a detailed description of the above items.
Topical DYI Solutions
- Avoid all toxic chemicals including those found in most shampoos and conditioners. Use natural shampoos/conditioners. READ the list of ingredients…..yep, this applies to your hair care products too!
- Coconut oil, Emu oil, castor oil (hexane-free) or Jojoba oil massaged into the scalp. Leave in for at least an hour and overnight if possible.
- When shampooing your hair, mix a couple tablespoons of baking soda in with the shampoo. Rinse and follow with a vinegar rinse mixing 1 part white or apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water with 4-5 drops of lavender, rosemary or bergamot essential oil or your favorite essential oil.
- Essential oils: jojoba, burdock, sage or rosemary massaged into the scalp help with hair growth.
Remember, any results-oriented program that is not a quick fix requires at least 12 weeks of faithful compliance to experience results. Results do not happen overnight. It’s a process.
Contact my office to schedule an appointment. Schedule a 15-minute phone call to discuss your goals and needs. I consult with clients locally in the Phoenix area and around the world via telephone or Skype. My philosophy is to identify the root cause of your hair loss and design a comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific for you that will work for a lifetime. Thank you!
Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.
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