What about ANGER?
There is a RIGHTEOUS anger, Jesus showed it when He threw out the money changers from the Temple who were making the house of God into a merchandise selfish business.
But that is not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about anger that is NOT righteous, anger that is emotionally bad for you in a number of ways; 1. Anger does produce bad chemicals in your body; for a now and again righteous anger this will not effect in the long term your health. 2. Anger on a frequent basis or as a habit, as we say, "bursting out with anger over every little thing" - will effect the health of your body.
To OVERCOME the latter anger:
Admit you have it; this is like the alcoholic admitting he/she is an alcoholic. As long as I can remember from a small child, my Dad had this type of anger - bursting out in anger over little things. Even today he can show this type of anger now and again. I really do not think he ever came to see it in himself, for such anger can be so a part of you, you do not see it in yourself. Admitting you have this kind of anger is the first step to putting it away.
It has been said by some therapists that when you realize you are about to blow off with a qick anger, you stop and take a deep breath, counting to ten. Yes it can work. Eventually you teach yourself to not be quick tempered or blow out with anger over every tittle thing.
Being a happy person, up-beat, positive mind-set, appreciating life, and laughing a lot, helps a great deal to keep down the quick anger you may have, or as we say "being a quick tempered person."
Not only admitting to yourself you are a quick bad-tempered person, but putting yourself in the shoes of all those who know you, like using them as a looking glass, will help you put down quick tempered anger. Try to imagine what it must be like on the receiving side of a quick temper. You will then realize people will not like you and will not want to be around you. You will find yourself with very few friends.
Learn to be happy in your life in the different circumstances that may come along. Realize that getting angry over all the not so good things that life may throw at us, will only make that situation even worse and more unpleasant than it is - like as they say rubbing salt into an open wound.
If your a frequently angry person, and you know it is a very serious problem you have, you may have to get professional help as do alcoholics.
Like any bad lifestyle, sometimes professional help is needed to kick the habit.
Keeping our mind on good things, righteous things, happy things, virtuous things, taking time to relax with good soothing music, every day, as a way of life, will help you put away quick tempered anger.
The book of Proverbs tells you the folly and bad results of a quick temper. Read that book and take the lessons seriously.
Then of course you should be praying to the heavenly Father to give you power to keep under control bad temper, and give you the peace of mind and heart that He can give you as you desire to serve Him in spirit and in truth.
Pray with humility, pray knowing you are a sinner, pray to the Father that you have a problem and weakness with quick bad temper. Pray that He will give you the strength to put away being a quick and un-righteous tempered person. Pray for His love and peace to fill your mind and heart. He longs to give it to you.
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