Wrong Fanatic "heath guys"
He has this crazy idea from this "heath guro" that milk (cow or goat) is wrong to drink and actually does us damage. Also from this "health guro" is the idea that all grains are wrong to eat (wheat, barley, oats and etc.).
When asked what was his basic diet he answered: meat (any kind), fish and shell whatevers from the sea, (any kind) fruits and vegetables, berries, nuts.
Now SOME I fully agree with - fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts; on the meats and fish he obviously has no clue about "clean and unclean" as given by the Eternal God. Okay I can see the ignorance of that truth not being a Bible reader.
BUT some of the crazy and silly ideas of so-called "health guro" guys and/or gals, are terribly misleading and totally FALSE!!
I have on this website MANY studies under "Health" which will BLOW AWAY the wrong ideas and teachings of some "health nuts."
In the decades before the 1960s, at least in England, where I was educated till I left for Canada in 1961 at age 18, we had WHOLE milk, organic milk, the cream rising to the top of the bottle. The famous first Mr. Universe - Charles Atlas, a physical body that won him twice "The world's most perfectly developed man" (then the contest was abandoned as the organizer said Charles Atlas would win it every time) . Mr. Atlas never used "weights" to develope his muscles, nor seriods. His body was symetric and powerful muscles that did not make him look like some freak of muscle mass. His strength was unbelievable - one feat, pulling the old steam train 100 feet with a rope. Mr. Atlas was still bending 6 inch iron spikes with his bare hands at age 66.
When it came to "milk" - whole milk, he taught in his "health and strength" lessons (which I still have, which are still being printed and sold today - see the Charles Atlas website) that you should drink lots of whole milk. He was strong on whole grains (no white flour products) and of course on fruits and vegetables and nuts.
I have followed his "health and strength" course since taking it at age 14. If you go to my youtube you can see the results of how I look today at age 70 - the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. Yes Mr. Atlas said you should get 8 hour sleep per day, and have a positive happy friendly mind-set.
For the normal person, if you want good strong health all your life, forget about some of the modern silly and unwise "heath guro" people; send for the Charles Atlas course. Follow the health laws of the Eternal God, clean and unclean food laws, all explained and expounded on my website.
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