Last Day of UB Feast

We have come once more to the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

A study that I am still uploading you might find a good study for this UB holy day Feast, is under "Salvation Law and Grace" and it is a study of the important things regards salvation. I have called it "From the mind of a Christian Jew."

Basically very good insight to the true foundations of the Christian faith.

All nations have become drunk on the spiritual wine (teaching) and spiritual fornication, of the great Mother church of Christendom - the Babylon Mystery Religion that is the Papacy - the Roman Catholic church with its Pope. She is the one who has adopted MANY things from the pagan world of Babylon and Rome. And the world and nations that do not even call themselves "Christian" observe things like January 1st, the start of the new year for the world as a whole. And where did we get such a crazy idea as starting the day in the middle of the night - 12 midnight - from pagan Rome. And the commercial aspect of Christ-mass is carried over into most nations of the world. And Christ-mass was adopted from pagan nations - Jesus is known to have been born no where near the 25th of December.
As for Easter, well just look in the Catholic Encycolpedia under "Quartodecim Controversy" Search out on the Internet about "Halloween" and see what that's all about - many churches think it's fun for their kids to observe it.

Yes the Christian Babylon the Great church was to eventually get the world drunk on her spiritual fornication and mysteries.

YOU are living in that time when prophecy is marching on to the close of this age. Oh yes evil is still much more to abound and the love of many to wax cold. As the saying goes "You ain't seem nothing yet."

I've expounded for you all the prophetic books of the Bible on my website. You CAN know how it will all play out in the last 42 months of this age, and what you need to look for that will tell us we are very very close to when those 42 months will bring.

May you enjoy and be blessed on this last holy day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread for 2012.

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