John Carter movie/Musical movies

Seen the recent John Carter movie. It stars a new Canadian young guy as the hero. Comes from the town where my Dad lives - Kelowna B.C.

It is a good science-fiction thriller.

An average - like most of them - science fiction - with the modern visual effect. Did not find the 3D to be good. But after Avatar most 3D movies come a distant second place.

Good for an entertaining science fiction.

Now all of you out there that are into (like me) MUSICALS!

It comes as a DOUBLE movie DVD..... a couple of the Bing Crosby collection of movies.

VERY GOOD INDEED.....loaded with music, song and dance.

The movies are:

BIRTH OF THE BLUES - to remember and celebrate the New Orleans' Basin Street blues music - black and white, but very good musical indeed.

BLUE SKIES - staring also Fed Astaire and 30 Irving Berlin extravaganza of song and dance.


Can buy it from


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