60 Years for the QUEEN !!
I remember it vividly, but for a 10 year old that could only think about going West and being the next Roy Rogers, with a majestic golden Palomino horse like Trigger.... the position of King of the British Commonwealth....well it did not mean much to me.
I remember like it was yesterday having to sit through the entire Coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth.....all day, hours upon hours on TV. It did not mean much to me then. A BIG deal indeed it was, obviously something that meant a lot to tens or hundreds of millions around the world that were a part of the British Commonwealth.
So it is now 60 years....the Queen and family members are busy going around the world, especially to Commonwealth nations, to honor her 60 years on the most famous throne in the world.
Here we are in the modern space-age 21st century world and we still have a famous throne, that does not have really any power per se, but yet is honored and respected by 50 nations that make up the Commonwealth. Nations that are now independent yet WILLFULLY want to stay in the British Commonwealth.
Stop and think about it. Have you ever heard of such a strange thing, yes indeed I use the word "strange." Has there ever been anything like it in all the history of mankind? We have had Empires that have risen and with force conquered nations, the mighty Roman Empire of the first centuries A.D. was the last such Empire, though of course the British Empire was partly like the old Roman Empire, and some might say the Russian Empire for a number of decades after World War Two, was such an Empire that with force ruled many nations.
But an Empire that when the nations it ruled gained their independence, and still wanted of their own free will to stay a part of the same family Empire.....well there never has been such until the British Empire came along. And put all that with a throne, someone physical person sitting on that throne, crowned on that throne, and loved by the majority of people of the nations wanted that throne to still be their throne, within that family of nations....IT IS TRULY A ONCE IN ALL RECORDED HISTORY!
Surely there has to be a reason for it all. I laugh at the Christian funny-mentalists who claim the British Empire and the United States of America are not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Such nations as Egypt, and other much less mighty nations in today's world, compared to Britain and the USA, are mentioned. But the funny-mental guys, well to be fair, a whole large segment of 7th day observing churches also claim the same thing, do not believe the British Commonwealth and the USA are mentioned in the Bible and Bible prophecy.
Many people can figure out where the Russian people came from, where the China and India people came from, where the Brazil, Argentine, Mexico, German, people came from, but they have a real hard time figuring out where the British and USA people came from.....well they know they came from the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people.....but where did they come from. Oh they can trace them back to north of Babylon and Assyria, around 700 B.C. But those "religious" fundamental and much of the 7th day Sabbath churches, just will not admit what recorded history and the Bible have to say as to who those Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people were before appearing north of the Assyrian Empire.
So at this period of the British Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne of the Commonwealth, I have already uploaded on my website "Ancient London" - fitting also as the 2012 Olympic Games is in London this summer. I have started to upload the great book by Allen (written in 1917) "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright" - under the "history" section on my website - and hence the Bible prophecies and historic records of WHO the people are of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, (and how they formed a company of nations) and the people of the greatest single nation to ever exist on earth - the USA.
Yes, those people are mentioned more than ANY OTHER people in the Bible. And with that truth comes the understanding of Bible prophecy. So I can say that the funny-mentals of Protestant theology have not got a clue about Bible prophecy. They are all wet behind the ears, they are out to lunch, they are from planet Pluto, when it comes to understanding Bible prophecy and how it will all play out in the last 42 months of this age.
All of the prophets of the Bible I have expounded for you on my website. It WILL COME TO PASS as I've given you. Watch world events, and you will in the next 5,10,15 (or more - depending how long the Father gives for this age to end) years see it all unfold exactly as I've given you.
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