Identical Twins NOT identical!!

We've all probably seen the strangeness of identical twins - looking like two clones of each other. I'd seen them on TV but never seen any in real life until about 4 years ago.

I was at the swimming pool one day; these two young men were already in the pool when I came in. I could only see their shoulders and head, but it was very obvious they were identical twins. I could not stop looking at them, I was just in wonderment at how identical they were. They stayed in the water for a good 3/4 of an hour, then they got out to go to the dressing room and off. It was quite remarkable as they walked away - both the same hight - both the same walk - both the same body build.

Just this last September I had a young girl (9 years or so) start guitar lessons with me - her name is Machaila. I had been teaching her for about 3 months. I never asked and she never told me she had a sister. It turned out her sister was taking piano lessons with another teacher down the hall from me, at the Music School. Somehow I'd never seen the other sister before or after the sister I was teaching, coming for lessons or leaving after lessons. One day I'm in the waiting room, waiting for Machaela to arrive. Up the stairs comes Machaela, AND right behind her ANOTHER Machaela!!
"Wow, cannot be," I said in amazement,"I have TWO Machaela's!"

Machaela had an IDENTICAL TWIN!!

Then you may have heard of some very strange happenings with identical twins, like two I saw once on TV, and they explained how they lived hundreds of miles apart; one gets tooth ache and has to have work done on the tooth, the other gets the pain also (but no real tooth problem). Well yes that is exactly what they explained on the TV interview.

NOW some scientist the other night (about 3 days ago and cannot now remember which country he was from) with his staff have discovered that the DNA of identical twins IS NOT identical!!!!

And as the interviewer said at the end of the segment - "We are all indeed very individually unique."

And so we are. None of us are clones, not even identical twins - they are NOT clones of each other.

God has made us ALL unique individuals, even if some of us look so much like our brother or sister or someone else in the world. When I'm in my cowboy clothes and riding my look-a-like golden Palomino horse (that looks like Roy Rogers' Trigger) I've had some who see me for the first time say, "You know you look like Roy Rogers." I'll answer, "Yes I know I look a lot like him."

BUT whoever we may look like, somewhat like, or even be an identical twin - WE ARE ALL UNIQUE - God does not make clones. And I really like that.

Even in the Kingdom,  when we are there, David will be David, Abraham will be Abraham, Noah will be Noah, Paul will be Paul, Peter will be Peter, and etc. Oh yes we'll all be immortal, and in that sense have the same DNA. We will look basically as Christ is now (1 John 3:1-3)  but we'll still be unique individuals. And I like that, yes I like that. None of us are clones of each other now, and we never shall be clones of each other. God the Father loves unique individual persons. He's not into the cloning business, we shall always have that slight difference from each other for all eternity, and that my friends will make eternity just that much more enjoyable. Yes indeed!

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