More "Proof Texting" with the Bible

A third example of proof texting is found in Matthew 5 and Jesus saying about the law that those who teach to not do the least commandment shall be called least in the Kingdom of God, those who teach to do the least commandment shall be called great in the Kingdom of God.

So SOME from the Hebrew Roots and Messianic groups will give this as a proof text that the Old Covenant is still ALL part of a Christian's life.

If so then how do you DO and tell people to do, the laws in a Temple, animal sacrifices, tithing to a Temple priesthood, WHEN THERE IS NO TEMPLE OR LEVITE PRIESTHOOD IN JERUSALEM???

I mean all those physical rites were PART of the Old Covenant or the Torah as many today like to call it.

Do you today have to still teach that "polygamy" is okay if you so desire to have many wives? The New Testament would teach against the practice of polygamy.

Do you have to teach and practice that ONLY in Jerusalem you can observe the Passover and Feasts of God? That is how it was under the Old Covenant. But the Messiah taught differently for His day and thereafter (John 4).

Do you still have to teach that "slavery" is for today as it was allowed under the Torah?

Do you still have to teach today that people can and should sell themselves to others when you cannot pay the debt you own them?

If a slave wants to stay with you forever (for their life time) do you still need to teach you have to put a hole in their ear as a token of lifetime service?

Do you still teach people can take a "nazarite" vow for whatever length of time they decide? And if so how can they stop or exit that vow, when under the Old Covenant you exited by offering sacrifices at the Temple - today there is no Temple. So do they have to observe the nazarite vow (if taken) for the rest of their life?

Do women not attend church services during their time of the month, and the flowing of blood, as it was under the Old Covenant?

Do women after childbirth stay away from the church service for ex number of weeks, depending on if a boy or girl was born, as under the Old Covenant?

Does the cutting of the wave-sheaf have to be done before the harvest of the Springtime can begin, and offered in the Temple, as it was under the Old Covenant.? And if so how could this be possible when there is no Temple or priesthood in Jerusalem?

How can you observe the Jubilee year (the 50th year) and have all houses and property go back to their original owners, as under the Torah Old Covenant?

Do you observe the Passover with a lamb and bitter herbs?  If you accept Jesus as the Messiah, how do you reconcile His teaching of the NT Passover with unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine?  Or do you mix them together, and if so what is your authority for so doing?

Oh to be sure there are MANY MORE Old Covenant laws in the Torah. As you read through them in the books of Moses, if you teach ALL the Old Covenant is still part of the New Covenant, then you have a huge job ahead of you as to obey and apply ALL that covenant of ancient Israel in your life as a Christian.

For those of you who can see the SILLINESS of this Old Covenant Torah teaching for the Christian today, you need to study my study called "Living by Every Word of God - HOW?" on my website, for indeed it is true that Matthew 4:4 does apply to Christians today.

The "proof texting" that some do to perpetuate their theology ideas presents some MIGHTY HUGE problems when you read the WHOLE Bible, the New Testament, and just the fact of living in a modern age with no Temple and priesthood in Jerusalem.

On the other hand those who realize we are to do and teach the least commandment of God that ARE STILL IN EFFECT, STILL TO BE OBSERVED, OR HAVE TAKEN ON NEW TESTAMENT TERMS, will be able to see which laws of the Torah are still in effect in the New Testament Covenant, and there are enough of them that SOME could be thought of as "least" than others or SOME "greater" than others. And hence as Jesus said those who teach and do even the least shall be called great in the Kingdom of God.

As Jesus Himself said, the Scripture cannot be broken - there is NO CONTRADICTIONS in the word of the Lord!!


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