Another "Proof Texting" of the Bible
Another example of proof texting is that found in Dueteronomy where God says you shall not add or take away from his word.
Well the Samaritan sect (You may like to read what the Jewish Ency. has to say about the Samaritan sect - it will surprise you) of Jesus's day said they only accepted the 5 books of Moses as inspired Scripture, for the words of God about not adding or taking away are found in the book of Moses, hence to them anything after the five books of Moses was ADDING to God's word, hence uninspired.
So indeed taking that stand all books in the so called "Jewish" Bible or Christian Bible would be adding, hence uninspired and just the ideas of men.
Of course Jesus proves all that to be silly theology, as you might remember when he appeared to two walking the road after his resurrection and expounded to them from ALL the Scriptures about the Messiah. There are mahy other verses that would prove the inspired Scriptures were much more than just the 5 books of Moses. The history of the Jews from Moses' time also proves the Jews and those who sat in Moses seat (Mat.23:1-3) had recognized many more books other than the books of Moses as inspired Scripture.
So what did God mean in Deuteronomy that nothing should be added or taken away. Obviously for that time age, while Israel only had the books of Moses for inspired Scripture, nothing of man's ideas should be added or taken away from the Scriptures, and obviously when the Eternal inspired MORE Scriptures and told Israel's leaders they were inspired Scriptures, the Hebrew Bible was enlarged. Israel's leaders of priests and theology caretakers were inspired to decide what were the inspired Scriptures up to the coming of the Messiah's first coming. As Paul said in the book of Romans what advantage then does the Jew have, indeed some, for to them were given the oracles of God; another way of saying the Scriptures of the Eternal.
Now the truth and principle of Duet. not adding or taking away is given a much larger framework - the inspired Scriptures of all the books we have come to know as the Hebrew Bible of the Old Testament. And so nothing of human ideas or human theology or human made-up religion towards God should be added to the whole Old Testament.
Jesus actually fought this battle with the scribes and Pharisees and Sadducees of his day. Reading the Gospels shows you this truth very easily. Mark 7 is one classic example. The religious Jews (those who sat in Moses' seat (Mat.23:1-3) DID add and take away from God's Scriputres, why the Pharisees had about 600 man made laws that they had added to the Sabbath command. Some of those laws "took away" from what was right and good to do on the Sabbath while other of those laws added to the Sabbath command things God never wanted added to that command.
Now all this same truth and principle can be applied to the New Testament Scriptures. As God inspired NT books, as He inspired Jesus' apostles to write and to decide what was inspired NT Scripture, it was finally put down as Scripture. John the apostle would have (as the last of the 12 apostles to die near the end of the first century) given his final inspired approval of what books should be sanctioned as the NT Scriptures. The idea that it was the Roman Catholic church that canonized the New Testament in about 300 to 400 A.D. is TOTALLY in ERROR!! See the studies on my website under Canonization of the Old and New Testament.
You then have the WHOLE completed. Now with the whole of inspired Scripture you are not to add or take away. You must get your theology teaching as to what to believe and what to practice and what to teach and what to obey, not from the ideas of men or women, making up their own religion to worship God with, but you must form your theology only from the inspired Scriptures, which had by the end of the first century A.D, become WAY MORE than just the 5 books of Moses, or what is know as the Torah.
Well the Samaritan sect (You may like to read what the Jewish Ency. has to say about the Samaritan sect - it will surprise you) of Jesus's day said they only accepted the 5 books of Moses as inspired Scripture, for the words of God about not adding or taking away are found in the book of Moses, hence to them anything after the five books of Moses was ADDING to God's word, hence uninspired.
So indeed taking that stand all books in the so called "Jewish" Bible or Christian Bible would be adding, hence uninspired and just the ideas of men.
Of course Jesus proves all that to be silly theology, as you might remember when he appeared to two walking the road after his resurrection and expounded to them from ALL the Scriptures about the Messiah. There are mahy other verses that would prove the inspired Scriptures were much more than just the 5 books of Moses. The history of the Jews from Moses' time also proves the Jews and those who sat in Moses seat (Mat.23:1-3) had recognized many more books other than the books of Moses as inspired Scripture.
So what did God mean in Deuteronomy that nothing should be added or taken away. Obviously for that time age, while Israel only had the books of Moses for inspired Scripture, nothing of man's ideas should be added or taken away from the Scriptures, and obviously when the Eternal inspired MORE Scriptures and told Israel's leaders they were inspired Scriptures, the Hebrew Bible was enlarged. Israel's leaders of priests and theology caretakers were inspired to decide what were the inspired Scriptures up to the coming of the Messiah's first coming. As Paul said in the book of Romans what advantage then does the Jew have, indeed some, for to them were given the oracles of God; another way of saying the Scriptures of the Eternal.
Now the truth and principle of Duet. not adding or taking away is given a much larger framework - the inspired Scriptures of all the books we have come to know as the Hebrew Bible of the Old Testament. And so nothing of human ideas or human theology or human made-up religion towards God should be added to the whole Old Testament.
Jesus actually fought this battle with the scribes and Pharisees and Sadducees of his day. Reading the Gospels shows you this truth very easily. Mark 7 is one classic example. The religious Jews (those who sat in Moses' seat (Mat.23:1-3) DID add and take away from God's Scriputres, why the Pharisees had about 600 man made laws that they had added to the Sabbath command. Some of those laws "took away" from what was right and good to do on the Sabbath while other of those laws added to the Sabbath command things God never wanted added to that command.
Now all this same truth and principle can be applied to the New Testament Scriptures. As God inspired NT books, as He inspired Jesus' apostles to write and to decide what was inspired NT Scripture, it was finally put down as Scripture. John the apostle would have (as the last of the 12 apostles to die near the end of the first century) given his final inspired approval of what books should be sanctioned as the NT Scriptures. The idea that it was the Roman Catholic church that canonized the New Testament in about 300 to 400 A.D. is TOTALLY in ERROR!! See the studies on my website under Canonization of the Old and New Testament.
You then have the WHOLE completed. Now with the whole of inspired Scripture you are not to add or take away. You must get your theology teaching as to what to believe and what to practice and what to teach and what to obey, not from the ideas of men or women, making up their own religion to worship God with, but you must form your theology only from the inspired Scriptures, which had by the end of the first century A.D, become WAY MORE than just the 5 books of Moses, or what is know as the Torah.
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