Proof Texting with "law"

Some who like to proof text their argument of theology use the word "law" which to them in the New Testament means "Torah" and they may even write it in, something like "....and the law (Torah) says...."

What such "proof textors" completely miss is that in the New Testament books the word "law" will have a CONTEXT, and that context will VARY as to what the writer in that particular letter and context is teaching, expounding, correcting.

Now for those who really want the truth of the matter, they will need to be willing to spend some HOURS, yes some hours, many hours, with ..... Strong's Concordance, looking up EVERY verse in the NT that uses the word "law".....AND also be willing to go to ALBERT BARNES' NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT, and read everything he writes on those verses using the word "law."

By the time you are finished you will FULLY UNDERSTAND how the writers of the books of the NT were using the word "law" in any given passage.

Yes, studying the Bible often means you have to spend hours of study on just one topic or even just one word, to find the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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