Nurses Followed by Doctors "Need" Coffee the Most According to Survey

CareerBuilder and Dunkin' Donuts performed a survey that was released to public on Sept 27, 2010 that listed those professions who needed coffee the most in rank order. The survey was performed on 3600 workers throughout the United States.

According to the survey, the professions with the highest proportions of workers stating they are less productive without coffee vary widely. Those who need coffee the most are:

1) Nurses
2) Physicians
3) Hotel workers
4) Designers/Architects
5) Financial/Insurance sales representatives
6) Food preparers
7) Engineers
8) Teachers
9) Marketing/Public Relations professionals
10) Scientists
11) Machine operators
12) Government workers


I personally have NEVER drank coffee... even during my residency when I worked 120+ hour shifts. I was too busy to wait in line to order coffee and never really picked the habit up of needing a caffeine buzz to function.

It probably helps that I am a morning person...

Read the survey report here.

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