Your Hormones & Where You Store Fat

As early as age 30 and into our 40 hormones begin to fluctuate as women transition into peri-menopause, menopause and for the guys, andropause. As men approach their 40s, testosterone levels may gradually decline and can often convert to estrogen, a process known as aromatization. Estrogen dominance in women tends to appear in their 30s and 40s as their progesterone levels fluctuate prior to menopause (ratio of estrogen to progesterone is high). Estrogen dominance affects both males and females, even in youth as early as age ten!

Symptoms of estrogen dominance may appear as increased breast tissue (gynectomastia) in males. Females may experience breast swelling and tenderness, abdominal cramping, backaches, bloating, headaches/migraines, food cravings, irritability, anxiety, depression, brain fog, sleep difficulties, and/or lowered sex drive. Females may complain that their legs are fat or thick. Upon evaluation of these women, my observation is that they tend to spend the majority of their training time on cardio equipment, jogging, and LSD (long slow distance) exercise, and never or hardly any time strength training.

What Causes Estrogen Dominance? More on Estrogen Dominance here

     Lifestyle & diet choices Birth Control Pills Environmental (xenoestrogens & obesogens)
     Insulin Resistance Inflammation Progesterone insufficiency
     Candida Obesity Hormone imbalances, adrenal insufficiency

Excess estrogen can trigger increased body fat and increased aromatase, whereas testosterone is an anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth. Aromatization happens when androgens (testosterone) convert to estrogens (estrodial). High estrogen and low testosterone may indicate aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain.

Symptoms and Conditions of Low Testosterone.  Fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, decreased libido, poor concentration, infertility, hypothalamus or pituitary disorders, zinc deficiency, decreased muscle tissue,  and increased body fat. For men, their breasts may enlarge as extra estrogen begins to promote female body characteristics or they may experience erectile dysfunction or testicular tumors. Natural Remedies to Boost Testosterone

Symptoms / Conditions of Estrogen Dominance.   Insomnia, breast, uterine and prostate cancer, gynectomastia (moobs), obesity, magnesium and zinc deficiency, endometriosis, infertility, osteoporosis, PMS, high quadricep and hamstring skinfolds, acne and depression.

Estrogen dominance may be revealed through caliper skin fold measurements from a qualified BioSignature or BioPrint practitioner. BioSignature and BioPrint are systems developed by Charles Poliquin. These systems are based on scientific evidence that where people store their body fat is an indication of their hormonal profile. Body fat levels and corresponding imbalanced hormones can be effectively managed through a combination of clean eating, exercise, a targeted supplementation protocol, and lifestyle modifications.

Males: Sites that reveal estrogen dominance in males include the pec, quads and hamstring; if the pectoral site is higher than the triceps site this indicates aromatase. High estrogen in males is often combined with high insulin (insulin resistance) and low testosterone. Additionally, if the quadriceps skin fold is relatively high in a male, a PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen) test is in order.

  • Chest = Androgen site. High estrogen/aromatase (often combined with high insulin and low testosterone)
  • Tricep = Androgen site. Low DHEA and/or elevated insulin
  • Back (Scapula) = High insulin (inability to tolerate carbs)
  • Love Handles (Illiac Crest) = Insulin and blood sugar imbalances (too many carbs or excess alcohol)
  • Mid-axillary – thyroid
  • Abs = Long term exposure to stress/High cortisol
  • Quads/Hamstrings = Long term exposure to Estrogens
  • Calf/Knee = Low growth hormone and/or a need to detox

Females. Sites that reveal estrogen dominance are the chest (1” in from armpit), quadriceps and hamstrings.

Blood lab work or saliva testing is another option. Saliva testing can be more accurate since less than 2% of bioavailable hormones are in the blood. Click here to order your own lab tests.

Liver enzyme activity and poor detoxification of estrogens are other factors to consider. Alcohol can be the culprit here as well as marijuana, environmental toxins, underlying viruses, fructose consumption, obesogens, heavy metal toxicity plus more.

Elevated levels of estrogen and low testosterone apply to females and male, alike. Excess estrogens lead to estrogen dominant health issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts as well as breast and prostate cancers.

Factors that cause aromatization and low testosterone ► Read more here

Lifestyle Modifications, consider these important tips:

  • Avoid estrogen precursors such as non-organic foods and factory-farmed, commercially-fed meats, GMOs, glyphosate, pesticides, plastic bottles, chemical-laden cosmetics, lotions and cleaning products.
  • Avoid processed foods, carbohydrates, pasteurized dairy and all products containing soy, corn, HFCS, GMOs, vegetable oils and trans fats (anything listed as hydrogenated on the label).
  • Support healthy functioning adrenals. Adrenal dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency aka adrenal fatigue affects close to 80 percent of the population, and is the most common hormonal imbalance in women.
  • Love your liver and support liver detoxification of excess estrogen.
  • Excessive use of cell phones, WiFi and computers have been shown to lower testosterone and disrupt hormones. Tips to Reduce EMF Exposure
  • Ensure healthy gut flora with probiotics
  • Improve your mood naturally and get off antidepressants, which raise aromatase.
  • Address any hidden or underlying bacterial, fungal, yeast parasite and Candida infections, rule out gut dysbiosis
  • If progesterone is high or low, always look at the adrenals and provide support
  • Lift weights (strength train) three times per week
  • Balance intense training sessions with parasympathetic activities such as yoga, meditation, walking in nature, Qi Gong
  • Test and rule out heavy metal body burdens
  • Identify nutrient deficiencies specifically magnesium, zinc, essential fatty acids, and other nutritional support that is specific to each individual’s unique biochemistry.
  • Boost Testosterone Naturally and Inhibit Aromatase with natural estrogen blockers.

As far as exercise goes, the solution for estrogen dominance and decreased testosterone is interval training and proficient and smartly designed strength training program that builds muscle such as  the the 12-week exercise program found in Fat Loss Revolution.

Proper diet and nutrition, plenty of quality sleep, stress management, reducing toxic load and hydration must always be factored in and can never be underestimated. Workouts involving the major muscles and multi-joint exercises will force the body to lose the fat reserves and increase muscle mass. Some of my favorite total body strength training exercises include Olympic lifts, squats, multi-directional lunges, dead lifts, pull ups, push ups and step ups. Stay away from the machines and instead use sand bags, body weight, kettlebells, dumbbells, suspension training (TRX), sleds, pulleys and barbells.

Below is an example of an exercise program for a healthy individual with a solid fitness base who is not suffering from adrenal fatigue. Prior to your workout consume foods rich in choline and tyrosine to encourage precursors to the neurotransmitters that will increase neural drive. (bison burger, avocado and blueberries). Always consider the importance of pre- and post-nutrition to further enhance your workouts and recovery.

Warm Up: 200 jump rope contacts. Perform all 3 sets of A. Then, progress to two warm up sets of B1 & B3 with progressive loading. SMR with foam roller.


Sample Total Body Training Program






Single Arm DB or Kettlebell Swing Thru





B1 Snatch Grip Conventional Barbell Deadlift 3 8-10 401 10
B2 Barbell Rollout with Push Up 3 8-12 101 90
B3 45° DB Chest Press (semi-supinated grip) 3 8-10 302 90


Close Grip Chin Up or Underhand Lat Pull Down






Barbell or DB Lunges






Prone (45° bench) DB I-Y-T-W






Glute Ham Raises, 45° back ext or BB Hip Thrusts





Cool Down: Perform various static stretches & SMR exercises using the foam roller.

This program can be performed 1-2 times per week on non-consecutive days and/or alternated with a completely different program. Be sure to periodize your reps and sets for each workout such as: Workout 2: 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Workout 3: 2 sets of 12-15 reps. Workout 4: 5 sets of 4-6 reps. The rest intervals can be manipulated as well. After 2-4 weeks performing this program, change to an entire new program design with a completely different exercise selection.

fat vs muscleConsider fat versus muscle and the amount of space these tissues take up in the body. Muscle equals one pound of nuts and bolts (dense and takes up a small space), whereas fat equals one pound of cotton balls (occupies much space). Muscle mass (hypertrophy) increases and your body composition changes. The amount of intramuscular fat diminishes with strength training. Using light weights and high reps will not achieve this effect. The only time lighter weights and higher reps are recommended is during the intro phase for trainees who do not have experience and need to strengthen their joints and tendons first, plus create a quality motor engram of various exercises to learn technique and enhance quality of movement.

Just because hormone levels are low, throwing a hormone into the system may not be the smartest choice. Doing so creates the the potential to disrupt the entire balance. I'm not implying that one should never opt for hormones, however I dig deeper to find out WHY hormones are low in the first place, identify the root cause, and bring the body into balance through a real food diet that works best for the individual, nutritional support based on unique biochemistry, lifestyle modifications (addressing sleep, stress, toxicity, infections, gut function), and the appropriate type & amount of exercise FIRST! If that fails to bring hormones back into balance, then consider hormone support.

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of any hormone imbalances and underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, healthy functioning adrenals, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women around the world, all over the U.S. and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

Read more about hormones in my books, The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution.

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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