40 Simple Fat Loss Tips: Fat Loss Revolution style
Using the K.I.S.S. (keepin’ it sweet ‘n simple) principle, I put together 40 Simple Fat Loss Tips to help you lose body fat efficiently and lose weight effectively (and more importantly, keep it off).
Instead of a primary focus on losing weight or fat loss, focus on becoming as healthy as possible way down to the cellular level.
What matters is making smarter and healthier choices and finding what works best for you so you can experience your highest level of health not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Everything’s connected and integrated: spirit, mind, emotions and body. If there is a problem in one area, it will affect the other areas as well. The diet mentality is futile. You can only look as good on the outside as you are healthy on the inside. Make choices based on what will make you healthier today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.
What you choose to eat and drink is a crucial factor for health and fat loss. A smart exercise program is also part of the equation. However, often overlooked yet extremely important in the fat loss equation is sufficient rest, relaxation and quality sleep, managing stress, balancing hormones (specifically insulin and cortisol), periodic detoxification, a healthy functioning gut, addressing nutrient deficiencies and identifying causes of inflammation. Add in a healthy dose of consistency, a focused commitment along with a determined mindset and fat los
40 Simple Fat Loss Tips – Fat Loss Revolution style
By following these simple tips, you’ll drop body fat, boost your metabolism and ultimately change your body without counting calories, dieting or deprivation. And as an added bonus, you will increase vitality and longevity, prevent disease and live a healthy vibrant life.
Foods and Beverages – What to include
1. Stabilize insulin and balance blood sugar with a balanced diet that includes nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich real foods using the PVFC method: Protein (organic grass-fed and pasture-raised meats, eggs, wild salmon, clean fish, quality protein powders), Veggies and leafy greens, Fat and Carbs (sweet potato, yams, quinoa, low sugar fruits such as berries)
2. Plenty of organic, pasture-raised protein to boost your metabolism, supply your body with amino acids to balance brain chemistry and reduce sugar cravings, healthy, healing fats, especially omega-3 sources to eliminate cravings, provide a sense of satiety and increase fat loss and plenty of fiber from leafy greens and colorful veggies.
3. Practice portion control with mindfulness during mealtime. Sit down during mealtime without distractions. No cell phones, computers, television. Chew every bite of food slowly and thoroughly.
4. Filtered water to stay hydrated. Start your day with a cup of water with the juice from a fresh lemon or lime plus a sprinkle of cayenne pepper to increase metabolism.
5. Unsweetened, organic green tea or coffee before your workout or after eating breakfast to encourage fat loss.
6. Eat a protein-rich breakfast. Include protein at every meal.
7. Prepare your environment at home and work with healthy options to minimize temptation.
8. Replace conventionally-raised animal protein with organic, grass-fed and pasture-raised. Conventionally-raised animals are animals fed a diet of genetically modified corn, soy, grains, synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Eating conventionally-raised, non-organic animal protein disrupts hormones, causes digestive dysfunction and estrogen dominance, increases inflammation and as a result, your waistline expands and your body fat increases.
9. Rotate the foods you eat every day.
Diet No-Nos: Avoid and Eliminate
9. Foods you’re intolerant or sensitive to reduce inflammation, cravings and bloating. The top culprits include wheat, gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, soy, corn and pasteurized dairy. However, even so-called healthy foods can be problematic for you if you eat the same thing day after day after day.
11. Super-sized portions, eating mindlessly and late night eating.
12. Chemically-laden processed, packaged and junk foods. Any product containing high-fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, which increase cravings and your waist line.
13. Processed carbohydrates, wheat and grains. Ditch the nutritionally-void bagels, breads, muffins, crackers and pasta, even if they are labeled as gluten-free.
14. Liquid calories from soda, energy and sports drinks, fruity smoothies and excess alcohol.
15. Frankenfats: margarine, vegetable oils, soybean oil, cooking sprays, canola oil, hydrogenated and trans fats.
16. Low-fat and non-fat foods, which are full of chemicals, artificial sweeteners and sugar.
17. Move your body every single day.
18. Walk outdoors in nature every day.
19. Metabolic resistance training with weights three times weekly to encourage greater fat loss. Follow the 12-Week exercise program found in Fat Loss Revolution
20. Shorter, more effective workouts – intensity trumps duration for fat loss. Instead of jogging for 30-40 minutes, opt for a 12-15 minute interval workout. Interval programs can be found in The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution. Also check out this 10-5-5 Workout, Sprint the Stairs and the Smart Workout.
21. Balance more intense workouts with rest days and parasympathetic activities such as walking, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, restorative, yin or gentle yoga.
22. Prioritize 7-9 hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep every night. Lights out and in bed by 10:30 p.m. at the latest.
23. Balance hormones, specifically insulin (by what you choose to eat) and cortisol (having healthy adrenals, your stress capacity and how you manage stress) for greater fat loss.
24. Manage inevitable stressors by changing your perception. Practice daily de-stressors: Practice deep, full breathing, meditation or restorative yoga, read something spiritual, spend time in nature, garden, do something you love and enjoy. Indulge in a massage, Epsom salt bath or sauna for relaxation and detoxification.
25. Make time for yourself. Avoid non-stop busyness and endless commitments.
26. Wake up every single day with a grateful mindset and appreciative attitude. Keep a gratitude journal.
27. Minimize or avoid toxic situations and people who sabotage your fat loss lifestyle. Fat loss is contagious. If your friend or spouse overeat, there’s a 57% higher tendency that you’ll overeat as well. Surround yourself with like-minded people who support your healthy lifestyle.
28. Balance body chemistry with a blood chemistry analysis to identify nutrient deficiencies and excesses, underlying infections or other problems that may be inhibiting your fat loss efforts.
29. Replace chemically-laden skincare and cleaning products with natural organic products.
30. Get your mindset on the right track. Priorities, values, thoughts, emotions and attitude are all factors in your personal success in losing weight.
31. Unplug! Less television, iPads, computer, social media.
32. Stand more and sit less.
33. Start with two healthy changes each week until they become a habit. Gradually add another healthy habit each week. This is the concept of my book, The Power of 4. Be willing to invest the time, energy, commitment and resources to succeed.
34. Take it one day at a time. Value and focus on the positive progress along your journey toward health. Realize that setbacks may occur during the process. Resume your intention and focus on getting right back on track. See your transformation as progressive – a journey vs. perfection. Believe in yourself! Love yourself!
Nutrition – Supplements
35. Avoid poor quality supplements that contain binders, fillers, etc. just to save a few bucks. It’s better not to supplement at all than to take poor quality supplements.
36. Digestive enzymes with hydrochloric acid to support digestion, breakdown and absorption of food and to prevent protein putrification and carbohydrate fermentation in the gut. Avoid hydrochloric acid supplements if you suspect you have an ulcer.
37. High-quality omega-3 fish oil to support your brain and heart and encourage greater fat loss.
38. Vitamin D3 if your vitamin D levels are less than optimal.
39. Anti-stress, relaxation mineral, magnesium, required by every cell in your body.
40. Probiotics to support a healthy microbiome, immunity and gut health.
Get all 101 Fat Loss Tips---Download my 101 Fat Loss Tips for FREE!
And, be sure to download the 7-Day Menu Plan too!
Start your personal Fat Loss Revolution today. Get your copy of Fat Loss Revolution, a guide with everything you need to help you to transform your body, look and feel your best ever, live your healthiest life, lose weight and keep it off permanently!
Schedule a free-15 minute consult. I consult with men and women around the world via telephone and Skype and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. I will identify the root cause why you’re experiencing weight loss resistance and design a healing plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, restore your health, lose body fat for good, and look and feel better than ever.
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