Weight Loss Resistance: Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
Are you frustrated with your weight? Are you struggling to lose weight and no matter what you do nothing seems to work? Is the weight loss plan that has always worked for you in the past no longer working or producing the results you’d like?
A common complaint I hear all too often is, “I’m eating healthy, exercising every day, doing everything right, and I just can’t seem to lose weight.”
A few subtle changes may be all you need to breakthrough your plateau. Take a hard and honest look at the following list for possible reasons you’re gaining weight or why your weight loss has stalled. When you focus on HEALTH first, FAT LOSS happens naturally.
Weight Loss Resistance: Reasons You’re NOT Losing Weight
♦ There’s a hormonal imbalance caused by any number of things: faulty digestion, insulin resistance, estrogen dominance, birth control pills, adrenal insufficiency, toxic overload, a congested liver, excessive stress, thyroid dysfunction, nutrient deficiencies, over-exercising, unstable blood sugar, sleep deprivation, chronic low-level inflammation, underlying infections such as yeast overgrowth, bacterial infections or Candida – all which affect your metabolism and can hinder fat loss.
It’s vital to prioritize the balance of these two hormones first for a successful Fat Loss Revolution….:
- Insulin (what you choose to eat) “Tips to Balance Blood Sugar”
- Cortisol (how you manage stress and healthy functioning adrenals)
♦ Your diet is deficient in protein and fat, and you seldom eat leafy greens or non-starchy vegetables. On top of that, you just love carbs, sugar, wine and fast food. Protein-rich foods promote greater thermogenesis (fat burning) and satiety than high-carbohydrate and low-fat foods. Diets with an abundance of fiber from leafy greens and veggies, a sufficient amount of organic protein and healthy fats will decrease ghrelin (a hormone that stimulates hunger), reduce cravings, and support fat loss compared to a carb heavy, protein-deficient diet.
♦ Your first meal of the day consists of an insulin-spiking bowl of cereal with skim milk or a syrupy, artificially-sweetened latte and bagel.
♦ You fail to prioritize the importance of eating organic grass-fed, pasture-raised and free-range over factory-farmed, conventionally-raised meats. The old saying “you are what you eat” applies here. When you eat animal protein that is conventionally-raised, your body gets a healthy dose of synthetic hormones, antibiotics, grains, genetically engineered corn and soy, and a boatload of other chemicals. Eating conventionally-raised, non-organic factory-farmed animal protein disrupts hormones, alters the gut microbiome, causes digestive dysfunction, estrogen dominance, increases inflammation, and as a result your waist line and body fat increase.
♦ Food is information! Particular foods send signals to your brain that you’re full and tell your body whether to store or burn fat. Stick with nutrient-dense real food.
Real food is NOT.......
- Real food is NOT injected with synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and GE ingredients or sprayed with poisonous pesticides and Roundup ready glyphosate.
- Real food is NOT found at a drive up window or in a box with a long list of ingredients.
- Real food does NOT come from a factory farm.
- Real food does NOT contain chemicals, dyes and colorings, GM soybean, corn and canola oil, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, preservatives, HFCS and toxic ingredients.
♦ Are you “tipping the tea cup” too often? How much alcohol do you drink each week? Each night? Drinking as little as one ounce of vodka will slow metabolism by as much as 73 percent! Realize that over-indulging in alcohol raises cortisol, and if you drink a couple of glasses of wine every night, it’s going to be very difficult to lose body fat and belly fat.
♦ You’re not practicing mindfulness when you eat, and before you know it you’ve consumed enough food to feed an entire family of four. Sit down during meal time, turn off your cell phone, TV and computer. Chew your food thoroughly. Set your utensil down between bites.
♦ You graze all day long (eating every 2-3 hours) or mindlessly polish off a bowl of M&Ms everyday that sit on your desk. Every time you snack, insulin rises and sends a message to store fat. Stick to three meals daily, and if you’re truly hungry snack on something that will nourish your body and your brain, and sustain you.
♦ You’re overly stressed, adrenals are depleted, and your idea of stress management is consuming a couple of cocktails every night or numbing your emotions by eating an entire package of gluten-free cookies. Find a healthy way to release stress and calm your nervous system: yin or restorative yoga, walk your dog, practice daily meditation and breathing exercises, walk your dog, spend time in nature, listen to relaxing music, journaling, read the Bible or something spiritual, soak in an Epsom salt bath or utilize emWave HeartMath to identify inner emotional stress and help restore balance mentally and emotionally.
♦ Realize that certain pharmaceuticals and OTC drugs such as those used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, seizures and even migraines can actually cause weight gain, alter the gut microbiome, and create imbalances and dysfunction.
♦ You underestimate the importance of a healthy gut and how the composition of the gut microbiome plays a significant role in weight gain.
The microbiomes of Americans have changed between the 1980s and now. It’s well known that some types of gut bacteria make a person more prone to weight gain and obesity.
Changes in the gut microbiome can result from leaky gut, insufficient levels of healthy flora, pharmaceutical and OTC medications, antibiotic overuse, being born via C-section, underlying infections, poor food choice, chronic stress and so much more.
♦ You fail to value the importance of 7-9 hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep every night.
♦ Your circadian rhythm is altered from exposure to blue light at night from being on the computer, your iPad or cell phone after 8pm. Unplug by 8pm!
Disrupted circadian rhythms negatively alter and have a huge impact on sleep quality, hormone balance, metabolism, your ability to lose body fat, energy levels, gut microbiome, physical strength, body temperature, cell regeneration. and overall behavioral, hormonal and metabolic function.
♦ Are you exercising TOO much? Are you over-doing cardio? Is long-slow distance (LSD) cardio/aerobic-style exercise your only form of exercise?
Realize that exercising excessively is disruptive to body balance and negatively alters hormones, fries the adrenal glands, accelerates aging, increases inflammation, breaks a body down and is counterproductive for a lean, fit, strong and healthy body.
♦ Do you spend your time at the gym on the elliptical machine, treadmill or stairclimber expecting a different result in lieu of hitting the weights or sprinting? Take your workout outdoors and onto the track or find a hill or some stairs and sprint! A bonus: spend less time and reap greater results. Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy weights (as long as you’re form is pristine). Follow the exercise programs found in Fat Loss Revolution.
♦ Weight training (if done at all) consists of lifting nothing heavier than 12-15 lb. dumbbells. Yes, there’s a time and place for lighter weights, but as you progress lifting weights that are heavy enough to stimulate a hormonal response without compromising form and technique is the formula for fat loss. Periodize your workout programs by manipulating reps and sets.
♦ Underestimating the importance of relaxation, restoration and rest days. You’re fearful that if you’re not kickin-butt, sweating your brains out or running 10 miles every single day that you’ll gain weight. Actually, if you continue down that route exercising intensely every single day and fail to listen to your body, it’ll eventually break down and you’ll struggle with weight loss resistance and disrupted hormones. It’s important to balance more intense workouts with calming, parasympathetic yin-style activities. Schedule yin or restorative yoga, Qi gong, Tai chi, walking, leisure bike rides, gardening or yard work into your week.
♦ You sit all day long and seldom get up and move. Take periodic breaks from sitting.
♦ Variables you’re not aware of that can hinder fat loss: your body is inflamed, bloated and puffy from hidden food sensitivities, you’re ingesting an excessive amount of carbs, suffering from leaky gut or possible underlying virus, bacteria infection, Candida or parasites, toxic overload, emotional, mental or oxidative stress.
♦ You’re undernourished and overfed, a very common and overlooked problem that leads to nutrient deficiencies or excesses. Possibilities are malabsorption issues, gut dysfunction, infections, leaky gut syndrome, dehydration, low hydrochloric acid, nutrient deficiencies or the wrong food choice for your biochemistry.
♦ Are you obsessed with counting every calorie? All calories are not created equal. A chicken breast at 300 calories vs bagel at 300 calories have a completely different effect hormonally, metabolically and on your level of satiety. It’s the hormonal response that matters most.
♦ Are you weighing yourself every day? Remember, there’s a difference between weight loss and fat loss. Ditch the scale and instead focus on how your clothes fit, take photos every two weeks or hire a qualified coach to measure your body composition. Focus instead on becoming healthy and fat loss happens naturally!
♦ Your liver, kidneys and body is overloaded with toxins from chemical exposure, heavy metal body burdens, Rx or OTC drugs, processed foods, estrogen dominance, bacterial infections, Candida, obesogens or any number of things.
We're exposed to more toxins and chemicals today compared to 20-30 years ago. These toxins and chemicals trigger weight gain: pesticides, glyphosate, GMOs, flame retardants, obesogens, and the substances in food packaging that alter our hormonal processes.
♦ Your digestion is in chaos. An optimal functioning digestive system is key for a healthy body. Many fail to recognize the importance of a healthy functioning gut, adequate stomach acid and balanced gut flora as factors for overall health and fat loss.
♦ Your metabolism is damaged from years of dieting, fasting, sleep deprivation, counting every calorie, excessive exercise, prolonged and unmanaged stress, or excluding fat in your diet…….
♦ Are you changing too many things at once? Commit to one or two small changes per week and gradually add a couple more healthy changes every week. Over time those small changes create profound transformation.
♦ You're not seeing results after a week or two and jump to the next best (worst) thing. Any results-oriented program that is not a quick fix takes at least 12 weeks of consistency and requires a healthy mindset of living a healthy lifestyle vs one of instant gratification. It’s an ongoing process.
♦ Failing to recognize that everything is interconnected. Our thoughts, conduct, emotions, words, self-love and self-compassion or lack of all have a profound impact on our ability to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.
♦ You’re following the exact diet and exercise program your sister, friend, or your trainer is doing, yet fail to see results. Invest in yourself and hire a qualified and experienced coach/practitioner that will design a lifestyle plan that works specifically for your unique biochemistry, age, activity level and lifestyle.
Obesity and weight loss resistance goes far beyond poor food choice and lack of exercise. Other lifestyle and environmental factors such as pollutants, toxic overload, stress, sleep, emotions, timing of food intake, gut bacteria, hormones, epigenetics, nutrient deficiencies, unique biochemistry, and medication use MUST be factored into the weight loss equation and a healthy Fat Loss Revolution lifestyle.
These common fat loss mistakes definitely encourage thinking outside of the conventional weight loss box. The good news? Solutions that promise permanent fat loss in a healthy manner and as a healthy lifestyle can be found in The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution. Determine what works best for you and leave the rest.
Remember, fat loss is a journey…..a process and a lifestyle. Having a solid plan to follow encourages a positive and successful outcome. Be patient. Be consistent.
Read and follow the principles found in The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution. Check out these 40 Simple Fat Loss Tips. Download my 101 fat loss tips and the 7-day sample menu --- they’re FREE.
As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, I understand that the body is interconnected and start by identifying the root causes and slowly "peel away the layers of the onion" so vibrant health and happiness can be experienced for a lifetime! I consult with men and women all over the U.S., around the world and in the Phoenix area. I will identify the root cause of your weight loss resistance and any underlying health issues, and design a healing plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, restore your health, lose weight, and look and feel better than ever. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!
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