six secret for a beatiful skin routine - how to care for the skin - skin care tips
six secret for a beatiful skin routine - how to care for the skin - skin care tips - skin care has become one of the most determined things ladies are after in the few past years. and due to that you have hardly seen an influx of seemingly skin care product like exotic oils that you can apply to skin and hair and live and allow the skin cellthat refresh your face. but rest assured, the cure do exist.
below are the six things you need to incorporate to your beauty and skin care routine - six secret for a beatiful skin routine - how to care for the skin - skin care tips
Make use of the following:
1. Tamanu Oil.
2. Vitamin A, C and D.
3. Oil pulling
4. Skincare Power Tools
5. Glycolic Acid.
6. Retinaldehyde.
1. Tanamu oil:
also called beauty leaf oil, was found by CEO of kat Burki Skincare, applying this oil on the skin may seem to be counterintuitive the founder says “Using the right oils actually balances the production of oil in your skin rather than the common misconception of leaving your skin greasy and prone to breakouts.”
it was discovered that oil can reduce the signs of aging and refine the skin texture for a healthier, smoother and shiny appearance, the recommended oil while choosing the right oil for the skin is cold pressed oil and that is why Tamanu oil is recommended because it is high in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, resulting in increase in cell turn over, strong healing ability and faster skin regeneration.
Chemical constituents of Tanamu oil
Fatty acid Content
Linoleic acid 38%
Oleic acid 34%
Stearic acid 13%
Palmitic acid 12%
The oil contains the following fatty acids:
2. Vitamin A, C and D.
vitamin A, c AND D, is noted due to the super awesome role it plays for your skin care when it comes to vitamin "eat well apply other things externally to restore the exterior strength and beauty" says Celeste Hilling, founder and CEO of Skin Authority.
Vitamin A: reduces wrinkles, firms, tightens skin and protects it from ultra-voilent ray radiation, which can be found in the following food items such as sweet potatoes, carrots, green tea, broccoli and pumpkin.
vitamin C: vitamin C is known as a co-factor in the production of collagen for firmer, tighter skin enhance ultra-voilent ray protection when worn under the sunscreen. foods rich in C. are as follow oranges, broccoli, cantaloupe and tomatoes.
vitamin D: can aid to enhance skin condition like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and heavy wrinkling. get plenty of dietary, vitamin D gotten from fatty fish like mackerel, salmon and tuna or with liver mushroom and egg yolks.
3. Skin care power oil:
this is seen to be one of the most effective treatments because is not just an ingredient but also with and equipment with this combination patients get good results that is essential and last longer this can actually physically affect the performance of the DNA. this can ultrasound or penetrate potent ingredients into the skin without causing harm, with up to 50,000 - 10,000 times more absorption than just using your ordinary hands to apply. this machine can can lift muscles with electrical micro-current that stimulate the ADP, a muscle that transmit energy through the skin.
4. oil pulling:
this method is includes rinsing and swishing the mouth with coconut oil, and it's been found to be more effective than antibacterial which is used to rinse mouth that kills bacteria Dr. Levesque-Voge has recommended this to his patients that has gum disease and those who developed decay easily. and the result is awesome., additionally, coconut oil also protects the skin and hair from dry summer and winter.
5. Glycolic Acid:
glycolic acid is very essential for skin beauty the ingredient is now present in many cream and serums and is a rejuvenation. the skin did not have glycolic acid receptors, therefore the glycolic acid removes the damaged layers of the skin so that your body can be replaced with new layers.
6. Retinaldehyde:
this is one the most essential component for skin beauty according to Ben johnson, M.D., Founder of Osmosis pur medical skincare whom recommended retinaldehyde, says that “The key remodeling components in the skin are the body’s fibroblasts,” it make collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans, all of which is very essential for youthful looks or appearance.
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