Breastfeeding May Increase Children’s IQ? Really?

Breastfeeding May Increase Children’s IQ? Really?

The study established by Scientific American online reporting that breast-feeding is the main part for growing the IQ level in children. Scientists have been studied the difference between the IQ of the children who were breast-feeding and those who were not.

It had been a wonderful work of the scientists to follow the kids for seven years to study them perfectly. There were around 468 children under the observation of scientists. They desire being appreciated for their countless remarks.

They have showed that IQ level of a child who breast-fed for 3 months is 2.1 points higher than the child who was on bottle. If a child who breast-fed for about six months, the IQ level is double at 3.8 points higher than the other who did not breast-feed.

Let’s Consider the Basic Facts on IQ Here

Out of the overall control group, if the IQ difference of 2 or 3.8 points is considered so it is not that much motivated.

The average intelligence of the IQ is approximately 90 to 100 that is measured on a standardized scale. While the IQ level jumps up to 130, the person is considered very smart but the IQ level less than 70 is usually comes in mental retarded peoples. It is excited news to increase in IQ points about 10 to 15. On the other hand, it is a disappointment to increase in 1 to 4 points.

Maybe it’s the Omega 3 Fats in Breast Milk that Matters Most

According to the study in Harvard School of Public Health by researchers, if mothers would increase their DHA intake by 100 mg per day, it can automatically increase the IQ level of a child by 0.13. DHA is a type of omega 3 fat.

If we talk about pregnant women then we will come to know that the EFSA Scientific Panel recommends them up to 200 mg DHA while the other experts of health care unit recommend up to 300 mg per day. The increase in IQ would be only 0.13 times or an increase of less than 1 IQ point, built in this amount.

Health care experts recommend the patients-not necessarily moms for taken up to 900 mg rather than that. Still the IQ level of the baby of the mother taking 900 mg per day is not so much we are going to search for.
advantages of breastfeeding

Breast Milk contains Fats Essential for Brain Development

DHA is present in breast milk which is known to be essential for the brain development of a child. Along with DHA, there are other essential fats include, such as carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, even over 200 different types of sugars, up to 600 different probiotic species, digestive enzymes and hormones. These all substances play a desire role in brain development of a child. The other thing which is also taking a part is immune system factors, antibodies and white blood cells present in breast milk to fight against the infections and other complex problems by killing tumor cells.

When scientists got a little smarter to observe other thing in children behind the IQ testing, they valued that the infants who breast-feed had better motor maturity and were more active. They published more indications of effects of breast milk on babies’ health.

Together all the researches about breast milk involving IQ, the experts explain that breast milk also develop a common sense in baby which can be understood by seeing a relationship between mother and baby. This statement was assumed In Bar-llan University in Israel in the psychology department.

Is the Scientific method the Best way to Evaluate Breast Milk and IQ?

Unfortunately, the food companies have been able to produce milk powders that would contribute the composition of human breast milk. That was not possible for them to discover all the good things that appear in breast milk. They somehow pay attention on the huge task of developing brain in child so early in life.

All of the process of gradual development in a person from when he is baby then grows up to children then teens and all along the way. There is a simple theory of brain neuroplasticity on which scientists are agreed. They gave a concept behind the development of brain and response according to the environmental factors to which its neuron structure and neuron matrices adapt. The brain function automatically in this way it motivates time after time in order to grow in constant molding and shaping within itself thus it possibly stimulates the IQ development.

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