Top Dangerous Diseases That Can Be Prevented By Vaccine (1)

Measles (Highly Contagious Lung Infection)

Measles also known as morbilli, rubeola, or red measles is an infectious viral disease typically of childhood caused by measles virus which causes fever and red rashes. It is also a disease of pigs and other animals caused by larvae of human tapeworm.

How You Get Measles Virus

Measles is airborne disease and is mostly caused an infected person. 90% of people get measles from an infected person. A measles affected person throws measles virus in air when he sneezes or coughs. Likewise, measles can also spread by contact through saliva and nasal secretions. It can last for up to 2 hours on something when touched. So, measles is mainly affected by an infected person.

Why Measles Is a Serious Disease

If we go on numbers, prior to immunization, 3 million to 4 million individuals in the Unites States have measles every year, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 400-500 passed away. Measles is a dangerous disease because it can go from mild complications to serious complications such as from diarrhea to pneumonia. It can bring about bronchitis, brain swellings, corneal ulceration and demise (death). Measles is more severe in adults than children.

Whooping Cough (Highly Contagious Lung Infection)

Whooping Cough also known as Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial lung infection characterized by paroxysmal coughs which makes harder to breathe. It mostly affects children and is vaccine preventable disease.

How You Get Pertussis

Likewise measles, whooping cough is also an airborne disease (transmitted through air). A person can get whooping cough by direct contact with affected people fluids and secretions. A person can also get whooping cough by breathing whooping cough bacterium (Bordetella pertussis) in.  

Why Whooping Cough Is Serious

Whooping cough is a dangerous disease especially in babies under 1 year. It causes an uncontrollable outburst of coughing which makes it harder to breath and can lead to pneumonia, seizers and stopped breathing.

Flu (Highly Contagious)

Flu is a highly contagious viral infection of respiratory passage (nose, lungs and throat) characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration.

How You Get Flu

You usually get flu by coughing or sneezing droplets released by an infected person as these droplets have the virus. You can also get flu by direct contact and with affected people secretions.

How Flu Is Serious

If we go on numbers, almost 45,000 people in United States pass away each year from flu. You can experience mild or severe cough which can be dry or with phlegm, pain in the joints, muscles, or nose headache, chills, dehydration, fatigue, fever, flushing, loss of appetite, malaise, nausea, body ache, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, irritation, or soreness in throat. It can worsen asthma and diabetes.

Poliomyelitis (Polio, a Viral Disease)

Polio is an infectious viral disease that affects central nervous system and can lead to paralysis, breath problems and even death.

How You Get Polio

Poor sanitation is the main cause of spread of polio virus as polio lives in the intestines. Polio virus enters the environment by infected people feces. A person can get polio virus by fecal-oral route which is due to lack of adequate sanitation.

Why Polio Is a Serious Disease

Polio is the deadliest disease of the 20thcentury. Polio is very serious disease because it can affects central nervous system causing paralysis and even death. The major problem people face in diagnosing polio is this disease has no particular symptoms. You may get a little flu like symptoms which lasts for few days. Some polio indications are muscle weakness, muscle quiver, fatigue, fever, malaise, nausea, headache, paralysis, sensitivity to light, shortness of breath, slow growth, or stiff neck.

Tetanus (A Bacterial Disease)

Tetanus is an acute sometimes fatal bacterial disease characterized by rigidity and spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles especially in the neck and jaw (lockjaw). It also causes muscle spasms, paralysis, breathing problems and demise.

How You Get Tetanus

The causative agent of tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria Clostridium tetani which is found in soil, dust and manure. It can easily enter into human body through any cut, wound or open sore. Therefore it is advised to use tetanus jab immediately after an accident if it has damaged your skin.

Why Tetanus Is Serious

Tetanus is risky as it brings spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles in jaw and neck known as lockjaw. This can result in Risus sardonicus, which produces grinning. Tetanus can also cause breathing problems as spasms sometimes affects muscles that help with breathing. It also causes “tetany” a condition which is marked by sudden, powerful, painful and irregular muscular spasms that can cause fractures and muscle tears.

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