Health Benefits of Honey

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is one of the best sweeteners on earth, it is not only extremely tasty to have, and even it is very useful for your health. Honey is the best alternative for medicine to treat many problems that you are facing in a life. If you eat pure honey spoon for 40 days continue then you can start healthy life.  You cannot believe that all of your diseases will be finished after using it.

Honey is very good food and their benefits are too many to be named, but here we will discuss some amazing health benefits of honey that you probably never knew.

How to Treat Honey for – Many Diseases

1.  Acne

Honey is an excellent natural treatment for acne; you just apply pure raw honey on your affected skin area. Leave it for 20 – 25 minutes then rinse it off with cool water. Follow this remedy daily before sleep and your acne problem will be gone.

2.  Acid Reflux / Heart Burn

Honey can treat your acidity; you just add two tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of ginger and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 8 oz. of warm water. Drink this solution when you feel the indigestion.

See Here - Home Remedies for Gas

3.  Asthma

Honey is a well treating remedy for the asthma problem, eat one teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon of cinnamon powder before sleep. Do this daily it will help to remove phlegm and allow you for good sleep.

4.  Constipation

Constipation is very common and big problem in every age of man and woman. The best health benefit of honey is to treat the constipation problem. You just eat 1 tablespoon of honey for three times in a day. Also you can mix half lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink this solution every morning on an empty stomach.

5.  Cough

You can control cough using the honey, this is also the health benefit of honey. You just combine one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon grass juice, and then drink this solution to reduce your cough. Another option is you can make homemade cough syrup; you need 1/4thteaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1/4th teaspoon of ginger, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoon of water, mix them well and drink to reduce your cough.

6.  Dull Skin

Honey is very effective for dull skin; you can easily take use of honey with different ingredients for every type of skin.

Here you can get all kinds of Honey Face Masks for Every Skin Types
Honey for Hair Loss

7.  Hair Loss

You can treat your hair fall problem with the honey; this is best health benefit of honey. You just mix 4 to 5 tablespoons of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then apply it on your scalp and massage gently. Leave it at least 30 min then wash or you can leave all night also. Another option is to take 1 egg yolk and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey and apply it on your scalp for 30 minutes, then wash.

8.  Eczema

Another health benefit of honey is treating eczema, you just apply same amount of honey and cinnamon powder on your affected skin. Another option, squeeze the juice on half lime and mix it with one teaspoon of honey in one glass of warm water. Drink this solution daily in the morning for few weeks. It will help to reduce your eczema fast.

9.  Eye infection

Yes it is true that honey can treat your infection in the eyes. To do that you need to mix equal amount of raw honey with distilled water and mix them well to make solution. Now you just squeeze 2 or 3 drops of this solution into the corner of your eyes. Do this 2 or 3 times in a day for few weeks. Your eye infection will be finished.

10.  Male Infertility

Honey is very healthy for men’s health, every man who has low sperm count so they should eat one boiled brown egg with honey in breakfast and then drink one glass of milk. Use this remedy for 40 days; the sperm power will be increased.

11.  Warts

Honey contains the anti-viral properties that help to treat the warts. For the warts it’s better to use “Manuka Honey”. This honey comes from the New Zealand.

If you can file away the wart and then apply the thick layer of honey on it, and then wrap it from the bandage. Leave it for 24 hours. Follow this remedy after every 24 hours until you see the warts are removed.

12.  Weight loss

Honey is also good for those people who want to lose their weight. You just need to fill a cup of hot water and add into one teaspoon of pure honey and half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and mix them well. Now you drink half cup in the morning on an empty stomach then do breakfast after 30 minutes. Store the remaining solution into the fridge and drink remaining solution before sleep. Do this daily.

Yeast Infection NO MORE

13.  Yeast Infection

Another health benefit of honey is to treat yeast infection. “Manuka Honey” is more reliable to treat the vaginal yeast infection.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of raw honey and 1 tablespoon of plain unsweetened yogurt and mix them well. (Also you can use raw honey only (40 t0 50 ml.)
  • Now go to bathroom and first wash your vaginal area, now sit and apply the mixture on all affected area.
  • Push the liquid into the vagina from your finger and keep it there for 10 minutes. Now wash and clean up.
  • Do this two times in a day, morning and night just before sleep.

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