September 11th 2012

What a day it has been.

Canada continues to pull all of its staff from Iran. And orders the Iranian Office to close and the people to be out of Canada by 12 noon September 12th.

The people of Egypt and Libya protest in no uncertain ways about some Christian fellow putting out some clip or movie on Youtube NOT IN FAVOR with Mohammed, and the Islam religion.

Obama will not meet with the Prime Minister of Israel  - they both have different views on dealing with Iran and the nuclear threat they may soon be.

In Canada, the Province of New Foundland gets hit big time by Leslie the storm - much damage done.

Then the Okanagan Valley in B.C. - Penticton - 30 miles south of Kelowna where by Dad lives is having fires - been a hot hot dry summer in the beautiful fruit valley.

China is coming through another earthquake and all the death and destruction such brings.

Iraq is far from peace - violence hits again. As I said so many years ago, nothing would be changed in any big way with Iraq and the USA invasion, when the USA pulls out I said, Iraq will go back to internal violence.

And of course we are reminded today of 9/11 - 11 years ago now - sadness indeed for the families who lost loved ones.

On a brighter note: I watch the DVD "TRON" - science fiction - remember it from some years back, but one of those movies you need to watch a few times to really understand it all - I understood it better this time than when I first saw it.

And yes it was my birthday - officially now into a new decade of life - 70 years old today - September 11th. Wow I cannot believe it has been 30 years since I was ordain to the ministry of Jesus Christ, when I was 40 years old. And wow the amount of Biblical study and research and writing I've done .... well it's all on my website. And the years (during the 1980s) I was pastoring a local congregation, then at times in other parts of North America, serving as a helping minister of the Lord along with other servants of God. And as I think back to 1961/62 - 50 years ago being part of the Worldwide Church of God and what times, lessons, errors from them and me, learning to NOT be brain-washed, seeing the corruptness and falling away of men in their ego and vanity, and others going along with it all; having to take a stand and walk away from a falling away from truth and righteousness. Many years spent alone, re-studying to prove all things, holding fast to that which is good, willing to be corrected, the Lord teaching me truth from error, and simply growing in grace and knowledge. All today found on my website as the Lord Jesus guides His servants.
And I think of the joy of NEW people that God has and is calling to His Kingdom around the world - ministers in India doing God's work, Tara Chapman called to minister to God' people, and others it has been a blessing to know and meet at times - the family of God scattered, the salt of the earth, but they are out there.
During those 30 years of ministry I was led to attend and get to know very deeply the teachings of the Seventh Day Adventist church, the Seventh Day Church of God, some of the Messianic groups, and of course some of the Church of God offshoots from the Worldwide Church of God (some good some not so good).
Oh boy, it has been quite the educational theological ride I've had over those 30 years. And it's not over yet, till it's over. On I go reading, studying, searching, writing, ever trying to grow in grace and knowledge, and then passing that on to you. God granting me health and strength (appreciate you keeping me in your prayers) I will continue to read, study, and write, my website will continue to be enlarged.

Then in my physical life, especially of late, though single, God has filled my life, so like Paul I'm content to be single. I've been blessed finding myself in Calgary, Alberta. Been in this fine lower half of a house for 11 and 1/2 years (14 and 1/2 years in Calgary). Been blessed with secular work - orthopedic shoemaking and show repair for first 4 years, and then full time teaching guitar, banjo, mandolin; now part time. And oh yes cannot forget the beautiful blessing of having the horse of my childhood dreams - my "Trigger"like that that Roy Rogers had.

I have a blessing that my Dad is still alive at age 92, and I can visit him much more now, as I must seeing he's in a Care Home facility now in Kelowna B.C. What a beautiful drive it is through the mighty Canadian Rockies and down in the wonderful and beautiful Okanagan Valley to Kelown (put it all up for you on my Youtube). My Mom and Dad were a true blessing for me as I think back to my childhood; was not spoilt as an only child, had to wait for certain things I wanted, had to save up for some of them from my pocket money they gave me (like having to save and buy my first guitar). But I was loved and had a wonderful childhood. All my life my parents loved me and helped me when and as they could, when I needed a helping hand. It's sad that my Mom died at age 73. But my Dad is still alive and it's now my turn to be will him, support him, help him, as much as I can.

Blessed am I, in so many ways. And I cannot forget the blessing that anywhere from 600 to 2,000 people each day use my website. 99.9 percent I do not know, and that is okay, it's just a blessing that God has given me this website and to know it reaches that many people around the world each day; and also to know more people find my website each week.

Then I cannot forget the blessing of my health. Yes 70 years old now, but look and feel like 50. On a good day (well rested) I can still do a jump up into my horse stirrup - pull up on the saddle horn and jump with my left foot into the left stirrup, just like old Roy Rogers used to do in his movies. I can swim and people are amazed how fast I can go. Yes I have to do my part; eat healthy, keep the weight down, get 8 hours sleep, and exercise; and indeed take my vitamin/mineral supplements.

So wow as I look back over 70 years ... they have been full, active, learning .... so many things the Lord has given me to learn and do over those 70 years, and I hope I've been a good steward and given back to others what the Father has given me to do with.

So here comes another decade for me ..... I hope and pray it will be just as active and fruitful as the last one.

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