GREAT Britain.....again!
Many doubted London could pull it off before the general Olympics began.
But not only did London and Britain pull it off, silencing the skeptics, they put on what many are now saying was the GREATEST Olympics and Paralympics (especially the Paralympics) EVER since the modern Olympics came into being.
The Paralympics were the hallmark of success - the Paralympics that has now raised the bar to International attention and will forever help the disabled athletes to get the fame and recognition they have sort, for many long years.
The British "did the job old boy" - "jolly well done" - "good for them I say" - thinking of all those English phrases with an English accent.
Both Olympics were a smashing success, that did the British proud. The final tour of the athletes (well the British) and all the volunteers through the streets of London brought out, they say, ONE MILLION people to line the streets and cheer themselves happy, for Britain to be GREAT once again. If only, if only they could be great with God, but alas in that department they are sadly out for the count, with only 3 percent or less of the population attending "church services" on a regular basis.
For just a short spell - a summer spell - the British showed they still have the spark if ignited.
One day Bible prophecy says the British and the British Commonwealth, WILL get back the spark for leading the world (with their brothers of the USA) back to serving the Eternal God in spirit and in truth.
How all that will come about you can find on my website as I expound all the prophetic books of the Bible for you.
Britain, where it counts the most, will one day be GREAT BRITAIN again!
What a glorious day that will be, when ALL the tribes of Israel will be given a new heart, a new mind, a new attitude; when they will love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind and soul; and Jesus will set His throne in the midst of them.
Thy Kingdom come Lord, Thy Kingdom come!
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