Homemade Essential Oil Recipes

Essential Oil Recipes

Chemically, essential oil can be produced by certain laboratory methods such as distillation, extraction and expression. Here you will know how to make your own essential oil with an easiest method and also understand how essential oils can generally be made.

1.  Three Methods of Steam Distillation

  • Water: In a container filled with boiling water, plant material would be included. The steam occur through the plant is collected and the oils are separated from the water.
  • Water & Steam: In a container, plant material is kept. Boiling water and steam are pushed through this plant material which is put around. Now the steam is collected and the oils are separated from the water.
  • Steam: In a container, there is a plant material is placed. Plant material is actually pushing up the steam. Steam is collected and the oils are separated from the water.

2.  Expression or Cold Pressed

  • The coats of grown citrus fruits are just going through the process of cold pressed or expression mechanically to extract the oils.
  • Expressed oils are not technically produced essential oils.

3.  Extraction

  • Hexane, a solvent material which is used to extract the essential oil and it just creates a concentrated mixture of essential oil, waxes, resins, and other plant materials.
  • Ethyl alcohol is a second solvent that is also used to extract the oil from the solid material to prepare absolute oil.
  • The alcohol can be easily removed through the process of distillation thus it creates oil.
  • Absolutes are not actually essential oils, but essences.
Homemade Essential Oil Recipes
According to these methods, you can make it possible to produce essential oils but the quality of the material you are using will matter first. Distillation is the thing to which everyone cannot do it easily so it is an art because you would mind it that pressure and temperature levels are monitored perfectly so as to not destroy the worth of oil.

Another thing should be clear to you that preparing an essential oil is more time consuming than purchasing the essential oils because of it cheap cost. You will be surprised to know the value of making an essential oil that it can take hundreds and even thousands of pounds of plant materials to create just a pound of essential oil.

There are some important points you should remember while creating your own essential oil:
  • The plant material you are going to use must be clean and free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other harsh chemicals.
  • You may not get the compelled final product as essential oils you can purchase.
  • Always use fresh and dried plant material.
  • You have some options to use herbs, spices, flower petals, or citrus fruit rinds.
  • Always remember to preserve essential oils in dark, glass containers in a cool, dark place.

In case of making an essential oil, you would have to determine that why you are going to prepare the essential oil and which of the methods you should use. Though, you can make your own essential oils for the following uses:
  • Soap – use methods 1 or 2
  • Perfume – use methods 1 or 4
  • Potpourri or Candles – use any of the 6 methods

See Here - How to Make Your Own Perfume in Just 2 Easy Steps

How to Make your Own Essential Oils

Make sure that these all methods are original and done with the process of distilling or extracting the oil out of the plant material. In the distillation process, the heat is produces which will destroy the therapeutic advantages from the essential oils. In the methods below, the oils obtained will not be pure or therapeutic-grade.
Homemade Organic Essential Oil Recipes

Method # 1

Take a crock pot and place plant material in it, the pot would be filled with distilled water. Keep the pot on low flame for 24 hours. Do not cover the pot with a lid and allow it to stir for a week. Off the surface of pot, you will see the oil is separated, collect the oil and put into a dark, glass container. Cover the container with a piece of cotton cloth and allow it to sit for a week so as to evaporate any extra water from it. It will last for about 12 months.

Method # 2

In a cotton or linen bag, place ground plant material. Tie it and place it in a pot filled with distilled water. Boil the water and bubble slowly for 24 hours. Collect the oil from the surface of the water then put into a dark, glass container. Cover it with a piece of cotton cloth then allow it to sit for a week in order to evaporate any extra water. You can use it 12 months.

Method # 3

In a large glass bottle, half-fill olive oil, almond, jojoba, or rapeseed. Force or push the plant material as much as possible into the bottle. Cover it with its cap and allow it to sit in a cool, dark place for 24 hours. Shake the bottle then after three days strain it with the help of cheese cloth and the place the solution in a dark glass container. In case, if scent is not strong enough then add more plant material then repeat the process again. It will last for only 6 months.

Method # 4

In a cup, add 2 cups of olive oil then stir ½ ounce of plant material in it. You also have an option to use almond, jojoba, or rapeseed oils. Now cook it in a crock pot on low flame for approximately 6 hours. Now strain out the liquid with unbleached cheese cloth then put it in a dark, glass container. It will last for about 6 months too.

Method # 5

In a small bottle, add 1 tbsp of ground plant material, ½ cup of olive oil, almond, jojoba, or rapeseed, ½ tsp of white vinegar. Cover the bottle with its cap. Now put the bottle in a warm place where you see sunny climate for three weeks. Shake the bottle twice a day. Now strain the mixture with the help of unbleached cheese cloth then put this in a dark, glass container. It will also last for about 6 months.

Method # 6

In a bottle of rubbing alcohol, you would have to soak plant material for two weeks. Now cap it on. Pour it into a wide container then allow the alcohol to evaporate completely. Collect the oil which is left in the container and put into a dark glass container. It will last for about 6 months.

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