Flickr account sign up Simplified - Register and login
Flickr account sign up is one of the popular image broadcasting service that is different from the rest, not only that your picture will only be shared to your friends and family but with friends and family members, however Flickr will however guide you on how you will organize your picture in set or groups.
however on this very webpage you will have all you need to know so as to carry out Flickr account sign up and registration procedures.
Meanwhile Do you know that Flickr had a total of 87 million registered members and more than 3.5 million new images uploaded daily and however the reason while flickr has lots of users is because of its compelling features of Flickr video, photo and sharing service.
However in other to have access to this awesome features you will need to create a flirck account which i will show you hhow to do so below.
procedures to Flickr account sign up (Registration)
- Visit the official website of flickr @, and you will be directed to the homepage as shown below,
- click on the account sign up button as shown in the image above and you will be redirected to yahoo mail page as shown below, however, proceed to login to your account if you already

- proceed to fill in your personal information as specified in the registration form as shown above,
- then proceed to click on sign up or create account button.
Decide whether you want to have a free or pro account. Here is a comparison list between the two accounts as shown below,
How to login your flickr account
- Visit the official website of Flickr account sign up @,
- click on the login button on the right top side of the webpage,
- fill in your account registration details and click on the sign in button below as shown in the image below.
How to download Flirckr App to your device
However Now that you are don reviewing our article on Flickr account sign up, the app is available to all android, iPhone and windows phones. All you have to do is visit play store or app store then use the search box to search “Flickr”, then start downloading it once you click on the download or install link, or view the image below.
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