Frank Monise Motors 65th Anniversary Drive

 Photos by Alan Photo Story Studio

65 years ago Frank Monise Sr. started his automotive repair and racing business in Pasadena California. That's when the first MG-TC's were starting to arrive in the USA and few mechanics would work on them and his family has been working on British cars ever since. Frank Jr. started working in the shop full time right out of high school only missing time at the shop while he was serving in Vietnam. Greg, a third generation Monise started repairing and maintaining British cars right out of high school and during that time, learning the now diminishing art of restoring English cars . 

Frank Monise Motors is one of the few shops that does not just work on classic British Cars, but is 100% dedicated to the restoration, maintenance, and racing of classic British sports cars. Frank Sr. himself raced various Lotus cars such as the 6,11 and 23's then moving to LOLA's in the late 70's to race in C sports racer. Frank Jr. raced formula cars throughout his career driving cars from Lotus, Brabham, March and RALT. Both sons of Frank Jr. followed in the family business of racing cars both vintage racing BMC Spridgets and both being very successful winning several vintage championships in their first seasons.
Today at Frank Monise Motors, Frank Jr. manages the shop with his son Greg along with a team of skilled employees capable of providing a full range of services. Restoration has become a very large part of the business as the collectability and value has increased dramatically on many British cars. Vintage and Historic racing along with race car prep have also become a substantial part of business.  Frank Monise Motors offers a wide range of services for your special car. Contact us today to discuss your needs.  

To celebrate their 65th Anniversary they had some of their customers out for a shop tour, lunch, and a drive in the local mountains. We here at are excited to be working with Frank Monise Motors in the preperation of our Mexico road rally car. Visit their site HERE

See more photos from the drive at  Alan Photo Story Studio

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