
Regular Blood Pressure Medication Doesn't Heighten
Breast Cancer Risk In Women
Washington: A latest study has revealed that Blood Pressure medication does not heighten breast cancer risk in women.

Another study has found that ladies who devour general hypertension medicine don't face increased risks of developing breast tumor. Scientists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Murray, Utah, examined the records of more than 3,700 ladies who had no history of breast cancer, and who had utilized calcium channel blocker medicine to control their hypertension.

Specialists discovered just an insignificant increment in danger in one study and a 50 percent lessened hazard in a second, heading them to suggest the utilization of these imperative medicines to prevent heart attack and stroke. Calcium channel blockersare generally used to help check calcium from entering cells of the heart and blood vessels, bringing about lower hypertension. Jeffery L. Anderson, MD, who headed the study, said, “That they didn't find any robust information that calcium channel blocker medication expands an individual's danger of breast tumor”.

The study painstakingly analyzed information gathered from more than 3,700 ladies ages 50 to 70 with no history of breast cancer in two Intermountain Healthcare databases. For each one gathering, specialists had compared ladies who were recommended calcium channel blocker medicines to ladies who weren't endorsed the drugs. In their survey of a general population medicine records database, it was observed that the chances of breast disease to be 1.6 times higher by utilizing calcium channel blockers, which was noteworthy, however much little than reported by the Seattle bench.

At the same time, on the other hand, information gathered from patients treated in the Intermountain Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, a converse relationship was discovered, a 50 percent reduction in danger of creating breast cancer for ladies who took the calcium channel blockers. The differentiating results found in these two independent investigations led specialists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute to conclude that it is likely not the drug that caused the progressions in breast cancer hazard yet different components. 

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