Altered Reality…Taking Control & Responsibility

According to a recent survey, approximately 30% of overweight people think they’re normal size and 70% of obese people felt they were just overweight. Life Extension, July 2011). 

Visit any shopping mall, school, airport or theme park and it’s obvious our population is suffering from an obesity epidemic. Many are diabetic or pre-diabetic, malnourished, overfed consuming a diet of processed, fake, and chemically-laden foods. It’s also a financial crisis because this excess weight costs our nation an estimated $93 billion annually in medical bills. We’re a nation that is overfed and undernourished.

Currently, 65% of Americans are overweight or obese! A study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts that by the year 2020 approximately 75% of the American population will be overweight or obese. What does this mean? In a couple of years, more than half of all Americans will be pre-diabetic or suffer type 2 diabetes. We’re looking at a population suffering from diabesity and dementia, since Alzheimer’s disease is considered as diabetes of the brain (type 3 diabetes).

In our land of excess, super-sizing has become commonplace. What used to be a normal serving is now enough to feed a family of four! Just go to any all-you-can-eat salad bar and notice not only the massive amount of food these folks are eating, but the types of food: sugary, carb-heavy, chemical crap that is void of any fiber or nutrients whatsoever. I was so dismayed when at a restaurant I observed a mother actually pouring soda into her baby’s bottle! And, check out young kids sporting muffin tops, spare tires and double chins. One look at their parents and you can see the olive didn’t fall far from the branch. Nutrition starts at home.

If you want more inflammation and oxidation, depression, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer or any other health condition, do what the majority of Americans are doing: drink at least one soda or fruit juice daily, eat tons of grains, never touch a vegetable, sit in front of the television or computer, avoid supplements, eat conventional meat in which the animals are fed corn, soy, xenohormones and antibiotics, and eat a low fat diet. Bottom line, if you want to avoid diabesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or any other health problem, you must take control and responsibility for your choices. No more excuses – stop the denial – get out of victim mode.

I love what my friend and colleague, Todd Durkin, author of The IMPACT! Body Plan, wrote in one of his TD Times Newsletters:

I've heard a lot of stories and I've heard a lot of excuses: thyroid, hormones, medication, bad parenting, poor role models, stress, depression, poverty...the list goes on. For adults, no matter where or why a weight problem starts, it ends in the same place. My friends, you've got to have the willpower to make good choices. We are a nation addicted to food. And most of it is junk. No one force-feeds you. No one stops you from buying fruits and vegetables and lean protein. No one chains you to the couch. No one bars you from your neighborhood gym or stops you at the door when you want to take a walk. There is no one to blame but the guy or gal in the mirror. We are suffering from an epidemic of bad choices and I've had enough. Do you or do you not have the will power?

More than ever before, we are well informed about exercise, nutrition and health. Yet, despite this increased awareness, the incidence of disease linked to poor lifestyle is on a rampant rise. Our waistlines continue to expand and our health continues to deteriorate. I have to own this. Each one of us has to own this.”  Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

Every single one of us can take action to live a healthier life. Start by changing two things each and every week. In my book, The Power of 4 at the end of each segment you will find examples of healthy habits which I refer to in The Power of 4 as “Winning Formulas.” You will find “Winning Formulas” for each of the four powers, Diet and Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise and Fitness, and Supplements. These are simple changes without creating overwhelm that have a profound and positive influence on your health over time.

Beginning today, pick two healthy habits to change this week. Below are just a few examples regarding dietary changes for you to get started on your journey to look and feel your best ever. You deserve it!

Instead of this: Eat this:
Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low, Equal, Aspartame, High-Fructose Corn Syrup Stevia Plus – the green packs
Cereal, Donuts or Bagels for Breakfast Eggs, nitrate-free chicken sausage with a handful of walnuts and a cup of blueberries
or a nutrient-rich green protein smoothie
Soda, Including Diet Soda Unsweetened Green Tea, White Tea, Yerba Mate or Water with Lemon or Lime
Candy Bar One square of dark chocolate with a handful of almonds
Starbuck’s Latte Black Coffee with coconut oil, butter or organic heavy cream
Potato Chips Celery with Almond Butter

No more excuses – stop the denial – get out of victim mode. NOW is the time to take control and responsibility for your choices! Re-evaluate your values.

Make an appointment. Schedule a 15-minute phone call to discuss your goals and needs. I consult with clients locally in the Phoenix area and around the world via telephone or Skype.

Copyright © Paula Owens. All rights reserved.

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