Twisted Minds!
Obviously it got out somehow where they were in this private secluded home in southern France.
So someone with one of those cameras as long as your arm, managed to see Kate topless....and....well you probably know the rest.
No I have no desire to go see this photo on the Internet.
It is all just an example of the twisted, anything goes mind-set of some camera people, and papers that want to sensationalize anything to do with anybody as famous as William and Kate.
It is a sign of our sick world. Now some could argue that William and Kate were not careful enough, but come on now, I mean give me a break; it is some people who should know to leave some people alone when they want to relax in what they believe is a totally private place.
Now if one person got to know where they were, surely others knew also, but others, but this one person, did leave them alone....good for the others, but words fail me for the rat that wanted to peep, and then they and the paper they worked for .... well they did the rest. Shame on you, sick on you, twisted mind on you, is all I can say.
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