

First reaction ..... could SPIT BULLETS!!!  It takes me back to the 1960s and the BLOCK BUSTER book that came out "Silent Spring" by Rachel Calson (just noticed it's back in our local large book store chain here in Canada - must buy it again, lost the one from the 1960s).

It is the same scientist scam with GMO as the folly of the scientists back in the 1960s - mess around with, change the molecular structure, play God, make big money (for the company) by telling lies to the people.
Makes me want to spit bullets!!!

Second..... the SHOCK at not realizing the USA was so far behind, or so duped (the Government that is) compared with Europe and Canada and other nations of the world, in the falsehood of GMO foods.

Third.... wanted to CRY over the whole matter of such a man made deception of thinking they can with GMO foods do better than the God created nature physical laws that He created and set in motion.

Fourth.... was inspired by the people, everyday working people, farmers and consumers, who want to take back what we put into our and our children's body in the way of foods.

This documentary on is going to be there for ONE WEEK - FREE! So tell as many as you can about it. Tell your friends, your family, your loved ones..... tell anyone who you think will listen.

As at the end of this documentary, it is the people, you and I, who can beat this deception and lie and ill health from GMO foods ..... JUST REFUSE TO BUY AND EAT GMO foods, it is that simple. Many nations of the world have thrown out GMO food production and the lies that go with it. It is time for the people of the USA to stand up and be counted. If people will NOT BUY GMO foods, the deceptive industry will come to a grinding stop ..... no money for the GMO companies, means they disappear from the planet, and can go back to planet Pluto (which they say is not a planet, also was a false idea) where they should be..... not a planet, not a company, NO GMO foods .... gone to the blackness of outer-space, where it all belongs.

I grew up in an age (1940s and 1950s) then foods were basically natural. No pesticides thrown on crops, our milk was organic, delivered to your door and schools back then, with an inch or more of the cream on the top. I was blessed by taking, as a young teenager, the Charles Atlas "health and strength" course (still obtainable on the Internet....just type in Charles Atlas). Part of the course is healthy eating habits. He stressed whole grain foods, no white flour products, fruits and vegies, and of course protein foods like eggs, meat, milk, BUT back then in the 1950s such foods were organic.

SO AS A YOUNG TEEN I started on such a diet, been on it ever since, though I had to modify things over the decades, because for decades foods became un-organic. I stopped for decades drinking milk as it was all un-organic (only for a short while was I able to buy directly from a dairy farmer, whole organic milk). I stop eating meat unless it was organic.
Then over the last few decades more people have seen the light, demanded more organic foods again. Even Government nations like Canada, saw the light that many health issues were due to poor and/or incorrect diet, so laws have been passed, and as more people demanded more natural foods, companies saw the light also. They realized there was money to be made from the thousands of people who would only buy more natural organic foods.


NOW LOOK: Yes go take a look at myself. Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ." So on this topic I want you to go take a look at myself on my Youtube (1horsesrcool). The last songs I've just recorded (I'm singing with Roy Rogers) I did since 9/11 - September 11th 2012. That date was when I had my 70th birthday, yes I'm now 70 years old. Go take a look at myself.

I have kept my looks, my smooth complexion, my very   UN-wrinkled  face, notice no sagging wrinkles under my eyes, or any deep wrinkles anywhere on my face, because I have eaten correctly pretty well all my life. Yes I've used cream on my face every day, since a teenager. Yes I've got my 8 hours sleep most nights of my life. And especially after age 40 I've taken vitamin and mineral supplements. And I've been doing some of the Charles Atlas exercises all my life as well as keeping active with things like swimming, walking, bike riding, and now riding my beautiful horse Goldie.

So, go take a look at myself on my Youtube. Follow me as I follow the God ordained laws of nature that the Eternal put there for our health and well-being. Yes it takes commitment, it takes effort, to follow and live the physical laws of the Eternal God, it must become a way of life, day after day, but soon it becomes just a part of you, and you think of doing nothing but living that way of life.

Jesus said "I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly." He was not only talking about spiritual abundant life, but physical as well. For in Jesus, it is doing what He taught - "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every words that comes from the mouth of God" (Mat.4:4). And PART of God's word my friends is obeying the physical laws of God. If you do YOU also can grow old gracefully and still look pretty good at age 70, as I do.

Each one of us, collectively, one plus one = two; two plus two = 4 and etc. can defeat GMO foods and make companies get back to God's nature food laws, and a good healthy way to live.

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