Home Remedies for Hives
Home Remedies for Hives
In scientific terminology, hives are generally names as urticaria, which is happened while sudden outbreak of swollen skin, red bumps or plaques appear on the skin. Hives are caused by the swollen skin already you are suffered with due to allergic reactions. After bursting or you can say breaking out, a protein from the skin releases called histamine which results in itching, swelling, redness and other related signs.
Hives may be triggered to some of the food includes: chocolate, fish, tomatoes, fresh berries, nuts and milk. Otherwise it is caused by chemicals, latex, food additives, infections, medications, pollen and insect bites or stings. In spite of that, hives are also caused when you spend lots of hot time in a sunny day or exposed to cold ice water. By knowing the different conditions, it may be considered that there is no specific cause of hives.
If hives appear on your skin, you can easily catch them as they are visible with the naked eye and present with defined edges, although they may be of different shapes and sizes but very itchy in sensation. It takes maximum two hours to appear after getting exposed to the trigger.
Usually, hives are harmless and vanish within a few hours or days. You can apply some natural home remedies to get relief from the desired symptoms. The remedies are described below:
1. Cold Compress
The top most remedy proposed by the skin allergy specialist is the cold compress for hives. It helps in shrinking the blood vessels thus blockage of histamine, as a result of which swelling, inflammation and itching occur.
- Take a soft cotton cloth and wrap ice cubes under it. Place it over the affected skin for 10 minutes at a time, three or four times a day.
- Take a cool bath or shower to make the skin calm.
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda is also good for hives due to having anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in reducing the itching, inflammation and redness.
- In a bath tub filled with warm water, add one-half to one cup of baking soda in it. Mix it well then soak your affected parts in this water for 30 minutes.
- Take a small bowl and add two tbsp. of baking soda in it. Add water to make a thick paste. Spread this paste on the affected area.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar gets amazing benefits for the skin and allergies related to it. It has anti-histamine properties that help in regulation and metabolism of immune system response. It restores the overall skin health.
- Add two cups of apple cider vinegar in a bath tub already filled with warm water. Soak the affected parts in it for 20 minutes. Do this one time daily.
- Dilute the apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water and use this mixture to wash your infected parts for three times a day.
- Mix apple cider vinegar in a glass of water along with the little lemon juice and honey. Drink this solution daily for three times.
4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is very excellent to work for hives. Oatmeal contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritating properties which helps you to get immediate relief from itching and let it heal very quickly.- In two cups of ground oatmeal, add one cup of baking soda then add this mixture to the bath tub filled with warm water. Stir it and soak in it for 15 minutes. Take this soothing bath two times daily.
- Mix two cups of oatmeal with two tbsp. of cornstarch and enough water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected skin and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow the remedy once daily.
5. Ginger
Ginger has wonders to do for the skin and of course for the hives. It has strong anti-inflammatory property. Ginger directly attacks the genes and enzymes thus trigger the inflammation and itching and make work for its improving circulation, helps in relieving the swelling and itching.
- In a pan, boil one-quarter cup of brown sugar and one tbsp. of fresh ginger in it. Add three-quarters cup of vinegar then let this mixture boil for several minutes. Mix this solution little by little then dab it on the affected skin. Do it for certain times a day.
- Take a small piece of fresh ginger root and peel off its skin. Now gently dab it on the inflamed part of the skin. Do this remedy for three times daily. You have an option to place the ginger root in a refrigerator to make it cool.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is well-known to everyone because it is trapped with the power of healing the skin allergic reactions and so for the hives. The anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of aloe vera reduce the redness, inflammation and itching. It helps in the stimulation of immune system.
- Take a little amount of fresh aloe vera gel, squeezed out from aloe vera leaf then apply it directly to the affected skin. Leave it for 15 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this remedy for some times a day until you see improvement in your skin.
- You can also drink two tbsp. of aloe vera juice daily for boosting the immune system. The remedy should be avoid by the children and women who are pregnant or on breastfeeding.
7. Turmeric
Turmeric contains amazing healing properties. Turmeric stimulates the body’s natural anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. Along with this, it has natural antihistamine and antioxidants for hives.
- In a glass of hot milk or water, mix one tsp of turmeric powder. Drink the solution twice daily.
- Use turmeric in every meal or you can also take turmeric supplements after consulting your doctor.
8. Nettle
Nettle is an herb used to treat the hives. Nettle contains antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It helps to get rid of swelling, inflammation and itching.
- In a cup of hot water, add one tbsp. of dried nettle leaf. Cover it for 15 minutes then strain the solution by adding little bit of honey to taste. Drink this tea for three times a day until you see improvement.
- Otherwise, you can take minimum five 300-milligram capsules of nettle regularly but after consulting the doctor.
9. Basil
Basil is also a natural ingredient effective for treating hives. It readily helps in itching and inflammation.
- In a jar filled with hot water, put one tbsp. of dried basil leaves. Cover the jar and allow it to cool. Use this mixture on the affected area with the help of the cotton cloth.
- Take some basil leaves and crush them with your hand. Apply them after making the paste on the hives then allow it to dry then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
10. Mint
Mint is a natural cooling formula to sooth up the hives. Mint contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help in reducing the burning sensation very quickly.
- In a cup of boiling water, add two tsp of freshly crushed mint leaves and boil them for five minutes. Strain the solution and put the liquid in the refrigerator. Use this cool water to wash the inflamed and irritated skin several times a day.
- In a cup of water, add one tsp of crushed mint leaves and two tsp of sugar. Let it boil for five minutes. Strain the solution and allow it to cool. Drink this solution two times daily.
Additional Tips
- Make a note in your daily diary to figure out what triggers your hives. It can help in avoid the triggers.
- Try to wear loose, smooth-textured cotton clothing to avoid irritation.
- Reduce stress because it can make your condition worse.
- Try to increase the enough amount of vitamin C in your diet.
- Do not take hot baths and showers during hives.
- Do not expose to sunlight as much as you can.
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