It's Coming/Marathon Mess/Power Workouts

By now I guess everyone knows of President Obama's now change of mind and agreement with "same sex marriage."

At present the USA is split about 50/50 on the issue.

The younger generation though is predominately FOR "same sex marriage" being fully recognized as "one man one woman" marriages.

I've told you before that it will eventually come into the USA law books - same sex marriage. It is one step closer.

For those who take the Bible seriously (which Obama does not) the answer for Homosexuals and Lesbians is as clear as the sun in a cloudless day. Practicing same sex relations is a sin, and does carry the eternal death penalty, if not repented of practicing. It is among a list of specific sins mentioned in the Bible, along with drunkenness, fornication (sex before marriage) and adultery, and others.

As Jesus said in Matthew 24, before He returns "evil shall abound, and the love of many wax cold." Evil is ever abounding, and people with the true love of God (look in 1 John for the Bible definition of what is the love of God) is waxing cold.
...... (one of the modern "health" experts) today (the 11th of May) spoke about the truth of "workouts" - workout fast and energetic for a minute or so and rest, and do this for 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour. Much better for you than 3/4 hour just slowly pacing yourself. He goes into the technical details.

That is exactly what I do when I swim at the pool - jog in the water for 10 minutes - then swim as fast as I can for one lap down the pool - rest, then swim back as fast as I can. As the 3/4 of an hour moves along I also do some body stretching and some of the old Charles Atlas "dynamic tension" exercises, then rest, and swim again fast.

I understand fully what Mercola is teaching his readers, and fully agree.

Another point Mercola brought out today was this "marathon" running stuff - people die doing it. He has the technical details on it all. But I have thought for a while now that running 26 miles at one time was never intended by the Lord for humans to do; He gave us horses to help us move over such distances until we invented the bike and car.

Nobody thought of running 26 miles in one stretch until the Greek guy did it to get more men from Athens so the Greek army would not be defeated in the battle they were in. He was sent on a special situation task, get to Athens for more help. And Athens was 26 miles away. It was the situation of a battle that called for his heroic feat. It was never meant to say to the world we should have a 26 mile run in our athletic games and competitions.

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