Date Years - some still at it
more. It is as if he is drugged on this topic. I answer him and
another writer who has written on Daniel, in the May 2012 issue
of "Thy Kingdom Come" - Keith Hunt
From: The Association of the Covenant People
What's to happen over the coming months and years. Who knows? As
the Wycliffe Bible Commentary suggests, "Daniel was no expert on
prophetic interpretation. There will be no expert until prophecy
becomes history." This is true
(NO IT IS NOT TRUE!! Paul was inspired to write that the body of
Christ, the church, has not only apostles, evangelists, pastors
and teachers, but ALSO "prophets." It's recorded in the book of
Ephesians, chapter 4. The prophet today in the Church of God,
will be those who understand Bible prophecy. It will be a
spiritual gift. It is those who do not have this spiritual gift
who write and say, "There will be no expert until prophecy
becomes history." They do not have a clue about Bible prophecy
and so hence expect that no one does. Nothing could be further
from the truth of the matter. Those at the first coming of the
Messiah, some of them KNEW the time was there that the Messiah
should come, the signs (one sign being John the Baptist) were all
there; they were looking for Him whom the Scriptures said would
come. The signs of prophecy leading up to the "second" coming of
the Messiah, CAN BE KNOWN!! - Keith Hunt)
but Wycliffe has an interesting thing to say about Daniel
12:11-12, "This carries prophecy from the middle of the
seventieth week of Daniel 9 through the first thirty days of the
Millennium to follow, perhaps to the end of some 'mopping up'
period. This carries the prophecy sixty-five days beyond the end
of the "week." Does it reach to the full establishment of
Messiah's reign after sixty-five days of initial preliminary
work?" I must confess I don't completely understand this
(It CAN be understood! Daniel 12:10 says "the wise shall
understand. "From the time of the daily [the word "sacrifice" is
not in the Hebrew] shall be taken away." The daily I have
explained in other studies on my website; but in short, from the
time the Great Tribulation starts, will be 1290 days. It will be
1260 days of Revelation plus one month of 30 days = 3 years 7
months with 30 days to the month. Then it is blessed for him that
waits to the end of 1,335 days, which = 3 years 8 months and 15
days, with 30 days to the month. Verse 13 is the key. Daniel will
not stand [be resurrected] until "the of the dayS" - until the
end of 1,335 days. Hence the resurrection will not take place
until the end of the dayS. And the resurrection of the saints is
when Jesus Christ returns, on that very day of His return the
saints are resurrected, as I poven in other satudies on my
website. So it CAN be understood - I've just made it
understandable for you - Keith Hunt)
but the 65 days converted to years is interesting if you add it
to the abovementioned 1947, you come to 2012. And as past
articles indicated, this appears to be an important year on God's
(NOPE! 2012 is no more important in God's calendar than 2011,
except it is one more year closer to the coming of Christ - Keith
Well, we are in 2012 so we will see if there is any validity in
this last thought, but remember, "There is no expert until
prophecy becomes history." (Garbage to that idea, not true at
all. Why would God give us prophecy, signs of the times, to watch
for, as Jesus said, if we could not know the signs of the times
until they became history. The Great Tribulation like no other in
history .... you'd have to be dead to not know it was on the
earth when it comes. Then follows the "day of the Lord" then the
nations gathering at Armageddon to fight the returning Christ -
all of this will be easy to see on the world scene - Keith Hunt).
From "Thy Kingdom Come" - May 2012
by Robert B. MacDormand
Editor's Comments: Coincidences do happen and here's one in this
issue of TKC. It appears that your editor and correspondent Rob
MacDormond both had the same thought to write on Daniel 12.
Fortunately, they take different directions so we are publishing
both viewpoints.
The book of Daniel deals with prophecies about the empires that
rose after Daniel, the coming of Jesus Christ the Messiah, and
the eventual fulfillment of end time prophecies to the great
resurrection to come. Much commentary of this has been written
already in Israel Truth publications, but it may help to
summarize some of those views and maybe add some of my own
insights. The main subject of this article is the twelfth chapter
of Daniel.
The first part of the chapter mentions a time of great trouble,
unequaled in history, when Michael the archangel would fight for
Israel. Following that, a great resurrection from the dead would
occur. This would refer to the beginning of the reign of Jesus
Christ on the planet. Starting in verse seven, the timing of
these events is given. " And I heard the man clothed in linen,
which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right
hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth
forever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when
he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these things shall be finished". Daniel 12:7. The
angel held up two hands, meaning the period was doubled. Three
and a half times doubled is seven times.
(No two hands held up does not mean it is double. There is no
Bible interpretation to suggest any such idea - it is an idea of
men. It has nothing to do with 7 times or seven years - Keith
A time is 360 years (complete circle). Therefore seven times is
2520 years. It has been pointed out that this period stretched
from 604 B.C. to 1917 A.D. The year 604 B.C. was probably when
the first abomination of desolation occurred in the temple at
Jerusalem, when an idol was set up in the temple and images of
heathen gods were drawn on the temple walls. (Ezekiel 8: 5-11).
(This prophecy of Daniel 12 has nothing to do with the 7 times
punishment of Judah - Keith Hunt)
The year 1917 A.D. was when the liberation of Jerusalem from
gentile domination was ac complished by Britain. According to the
angel, there would follow a period of the scattering of the power
of the holy people (Israel). This happened following the First
World War as nations in the British Empire achieved their
independence, and after the Second World War, Britain's power was
reduced even more, and the Empire became a Commonwealth. Today
Britain is regarded as just another European country, not an
empire. The United States was propelled to superpower status
following the Second World War, but is now losing its power due
to financial troubles. I believe the Third World War will bring
down our power completely.
(The scattering of the power of the holy people is at the time of
the Great Tribulation and the start of the 1260 days, or 42
months, or time, times and half a time, of the book of
Revelation. It is the time of the scattering of Israel and Judah
and the saints of God - Keith Hunt)
Daniel did not understand the prophecy, so he asked for
clarification in verse eight. In answer, the angel gave him two
time periods to consider. He said, "And from the time that the
daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and
ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the
thousand three hundred and five and thirty days". Daniel 12:
11-12. The angel had said the words would be closed up and sealed
until the time of the end (verse 9). I do not believe we are
quite there yet and I believe the full understanding of the
prophecy will come to us in the next few years.
(The wise we have seen SHALL understand; the prophets of God
shall understand, the gift of prophecy to some in the Church of
God is still in effect. The understanding of this prophecy and
all prophecy of the Bible is already understood. I have carefully
and in detail expounded for you all the prophetic books of the
Bible on my website - Keith Hunt)
However, it has been pointed out in Israel Truth literature that
the year 1917 A.D. was the same as the year 1335 in the Muslim
calendar, again drawing our attention to the liberation of
Jerusalem by the British. Much analysis of the numbers 1290 and
1335 was made in Howard Rand's book "Study in Daniel", too much
to mention in this article. However, I would like to write about
some of Rand's interpretations in a future article.
(Again the 1335 days has nothing to do with 1917. It has to do
with the time of the end, which is yet before us, and the coming
of the desolation that makes abomination. As interpreted for us
in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, it is Jerusalem with armies all around
it read to make that city desolate; which is then still to take
place, still in the yet future. That happening will be the start
of the last 1260 days or 42 months of Revelation, and the start
of the 1335 days of Daniel 12 - Keith Hunt)
How long will it be until the power of the holy people is
completely scattered? A footnote in my Bible says the Hebrew word
translated scattered actually means shattered. I thought the
U.S.A. was on the verge of attacking Iran, which could have drawn
us all into a final war in the Middle East. However, it appears
that time has not quite arrived. President Obama seems to be
totally against any such invasion. Americans are tired of Middle
East wars and want the economy fixed. Yet, no matter what any of
us want, there will not be any lasting peace until Jesus Christ
is on the throne ruling over the nations. Any plan that leaves
Him out of the picture will fail.
Bible prophecy has NOTHING to say about the USA attacking Iran
and so starting some end time war in the Middle-East. Iran is NOT
in any significant way going to have a major role in the last
world war. The last world war will not be started by the USA
attacking some Middle-East nation. Any such ideas are in total
error. The Bitish-Israel organizations are lacking any scholar,
have been lacking any scholar, who understands the correct
prophetic timetable for end time prophecy.
That end time prophetic timetable is fully expounded for you on
my website as I expound all the prophetic books of the Bible.
It will come to pass as I've told you - so it is written, so
shall it be. And once more the year 2012 has NO "SPECIAL"
anything about it in God's prophetoc plan, only it will be one
more year closer to the return of Christ.
Forget about trying to manipulate this year with that year, which
is put against this year, as you try to figure from a past year.
The signs of Bible prophecy are CLEAR to watch for. I've given
them to you on my website. Watching for those signs to happen
will mean the last 1260 days of Revelation will come. There are
DEFINATE world events to take palce which will bring us to the
last 42 months of this age, or as Daniel has it to the last 1335
days of this age and the return of Christ and the resurrection of
the saints.
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