So the Pope is AGAINST "gay marriage"

I've been open, very open, on this blog and on my website. There are MANY things WRONG with the teachings and traditions and practices of the Roman Catholic church. Yet despite that fact there are over ONE BILLION people who call themselves Roman Catholic in the world today.

Satan the Devil has MANY MANY forms of corruption and false ideologies in the world, for everyone, no matter what your mind-set. It's all out there, every form of falsehood you can imagine - a thousand and one of them.

Yes one of the BIGGEST forms of falsehood is the Roman Catholic religion. BUT that church does not have everything WRONG, no it has SOME truth.

Jesus said that before He came again back to earth, MANY would come saying Christ was the Christ ...Jesus was the Christ, but still DECEIVE MANY, yes many not the few but the MANY.

So the Pope and the official teaching of the Roman Catholic church does not have everything wrong.

The Pope and the RC church have it CORRECT on ABORTION on demand.

AND they have it CORRECT on "jay marriage."

Homosexuality/Lesbianism - the practicing of it - is SIN!! That is very clearly the teaching of the Eternal God in His Word the Bible. Hence "jay marriage" is living in sin, it is practicing, as a way of life - SIN!!

So like all other sins, God calls us to REPENTANCE, to acknowledging what sin is by the words of the Bible, which tell us what sin sin, and to being CONVERTED, turning our lives UP-SIDE-DOWN - to live DIFFERENTLY from sin and unrighteousness.

The wicked are defined in God's word as in Psalm 119:53

The righteousness of God is defined as in Psalm 119:172

We as the nations of the West, that one time called ourselves "Christian" and gave Christianity and the Bible to all other nations of the world, have DEPARTED from the Word of the Lord. We have cast His word out the window; we have forsaken the Eternal God more and more as each year has gone by. His protecting hand is no longer over us; He is allowing our towns and villages to be blown away by tornadoes and hurricanes; we are reaping in our way of life, what we are sowing. We are disregarding the physical laws of God, and we are reaping the outcome - bad health. We are disregarding the spiritual laws of God and so we reap the results of sin, and having the Eternal remove His protecting hand.

Most of the nations of the West now allow and legally recognize "same sex marriage" - the USA is fast moving towards all States allowing and legally recognizing same sex marriage.

The Lord has spoken in His word; His long-suffering and patience will one day come to an end. And the destruction on our Western nations, as foretold in the prophecies of the Bible will come to pass.

I have expounded for you on my website ALL the prophetic books of the Bible, and what shall surely come to pass in the end time of this age.

He that has ears to hear with need to hear. He that has eyes to see with need to read what the prophets say.

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