HOW the West was LOST!

HOW the West was LOST is the title of a new book by author and economist Dambisa Moyo.

She was this evening being interviewed by the CBC. She talked about her new book that is making it plain and simple to see where the West has gone wrong in the last number of decades, and why the West is in the mess economically that it is in.

She also, probably to the dismay of the West, says (and rightly so) that our so-called "democracy" does NOT mean automatic wealth, and economic power for its citizens. She points out (again correctly) that CHINA has over the last few decades brought millions of its people out of poverty, to be right now the SECOND economic POWER of the world!  And China is not a democracy!

I have ordered her book from  - sounds like it should be a good read, and sounds like she is putting the cards on the table in plain sight for everyone in the West to know the reasons WHY we have got ourselves in the mess we are in.

When I've read her book I will report back on here what I have to say about it and the revelations she is bringing to light.

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