Symptoms of Heart Disease

Symptoms of Heart Disease
No single can be branded as Symptoms of Heart Disease. Then it no one single reason that indicates a heart disorder. There are certain symptoms that suggest the possibility of heart disease. Together they make the diagnosis almost certain. Doctors identify Symptoms of Heart Disease by interviewing the person to obtain the medical history and by performing a physical examination. Often, diagnostic procedures are performed to confirm the result of the diagnosis. However, sometimes a heart disorder, even when serious, produces no symptoms until it reaches a late stage. Routine health checkups or a visit to the doctor for some other reason may uncover a heart disorder that has caused no Symptoms of Heart Disease, earlier. Sometimes doctors perform procedures to screen for a heart disorder even when there is no evidence of it.

The Symptoms of Heart Disease include certain types of pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitation or irregular heartbeats, light-headedness, fainting, and swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet. However, these symptoms do not necessarily indicate a heart disorder. For example, chest pain may be due to a respiratory or digestive disorder rather than to a heart disorder. But as soon as you experience any of the above mentioned complains you must consult your doctor for confirmation. Peripheral Symptoms of Heart Disease and blood vessel disorders vary depending on where the affected blood vessels are located. These symptoms may include pain, muscle fatigue, muscle cramps, light-headedness, swelling, numbness, shortness of breath, and a change in skin color of the affected part of the body.

Chest pain is the most prominent Symptoms of Heart Disease. Immediately life-threatening causes include a heart attack, separation of the layers of the aorta's wall, that is known as aortic dissection, rupture of the esophagus, a blood clot in the lungs, and a type of collapsed lung in which pressure builds up enough to obstruct blood flow returning to the heart. Pain may occur when tissues do not get enough blood, this condition is called ischemia. Pain occurs because the tissues do not get enough oxygen that is carried to tissues by the blood, and also because waste products, which are carried away from tissues by the blood, accumulate. Other Symptoms of Heart Diseases are: Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone, Discomfort radiating to the back, throat, jaw or arm, Extreme weakness, anxiety or shortness of breath, Rapid or irregular heartbeats, Fullness, indigestion or choking feeling, he may also feel heartburn, Sweating, vomiting, nausea, or dizziness.

During a heart attack, symptoms last for 30 minutes or longer and are not relieved by rest or oral medications. Initial symptoms started as a mild discomfort that then it progresses to significant pain. Swelling is due to the accumulation of fluid in tissues. Swelling is another important Symptoms of Heart Disease. It occurs when blood puddles in the leg veins, increasing pressure in the leg veins and forcing fluids out of the veins into tissues.

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