Gluten: Sabotaging Your Health, Your Brain, Your Gut & Your Weight

What is Gluten? Gluten is a protein found in the endosperm of grains, especially wheat, rye, spelt and barley. It constitutes about 80 percent of the proteins in wheat, and is composed of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. Gluten is also used as a food additive in the form of a flavoring, stabilizing or thickening agent found in ice cream, soy sauce, ketchup, beer and many other items. Gluten provides elasticity to dough, which gives breads and bagels their chewiness.

Gluten no buenoAn individual does not have to have celiac disease to suffer the negative effects of gluten. Gluten sensitivity is an immune response to gluten, which is found in commonly consumed grains such as wheat, spelt, kamut, oats (unless designated gluten-free), rye, and barley. Both celiac disease and gluten intolerance tend to be most common among people of Scandinavian, Irish, English, Scottish, and Eastern European, although gluten has negative consequences for just about everybody. According to Dr. Alessio Fasano, no human can digest gluten.

Eating gluten causes chronic inflammation, intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut), gut irritation and destruction, a compromised immune system, increased risk of autoimmune diseases and negatively affects your nerves and the brain increasing risk of neurological conditions. 

Gliadin, the protein found in gluten has a direct effect on the small intestines causing:

  1. Increased permeability of the endothelial cells allowing food to enter circulation
  2. Irritation to the gut and digestion difficulties causing excessive inflammation
  3. Blockage of protease enzymes so protein is unable to be digested

An estimated one person in 133 in the U.S. has celiac disease (CD), whereas gluten sensitivity affects an overwhelming percentage of the population. Gluten intolerance is often misdiagnosed or undetected. One estimate says that 97 percent of all sufferers (hidden non-celiac gluten sensitivity)  don’t even know they’re intolerant to gluten since the medical community is unfamiliar with it. No human can properly digest wheat.

Even more astonishing is a review in the New England Journal of Medicine that listed over 55 diseases caused by gluten! Many of the diseases are neurological and psychiatric including anxiety, migraines, epilepsy, neuropathy, schizophrenia, dementia, depression, and autism. The National Library of Medicine has found over 200 adverse health effects linked to gluten-containing grains. Gluten has adverse neurological and cognitive consequences following ingestion. Gluten destroys the brain and nervous tissue more than any other tissue in the body, including the GI tract.

Scientists at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine's Center for Celiac Research have proven that gluten sensitivity is different from celiac disease at the molecular level and in the response it elicits from the immune system. The research, published online in BMC Medicine provides the first scientific evidence of a different method that leads to gluten sensitivity.

Alessio Fasano, MD, a leading expert in gluten quoted in an article for Scientific American, “a person whose immune system has managed to tolerate gluten for many years might suddenly lose tolerance if the microbiome (gut flora) changes in a way that causes formerly quiet susceptibility genes to become active.” Chronic stress and other factors may also turn on the susceptibility genes.

The amount of gluten in wheat today is twice what it used to be and wheat is genetically modified and is a direct cause of autoimmune disorders, inflammation, belly bloat, gut dysfunction, leaky gut and excess weight. It also contains opiate-like compounds called gliadorphins that mimic the addictive and debilitating effects of opiate drugs like heroin and morphine. The majority of individuals have an opiate peptide issue with gluten resulting in cravings and addiction to gluten-containing products. When these individuals give up gluten, they tend to experience withdraw symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue and irritability.

Need another reason to stay away from gluten-containing grains? All grains are sprayed with Round Up (glyphosate), a potent carcinogen, an excitotoxin to the brain, a toxic antibiotic that kills good bacteria, disrupts gut bacteria and alters the microbiome. Besides wheat and grains, glyphosate is applied on barley, oats, canola, sunflower, flax, peas, lentils, dry beans and sugar cane.

Round Up is destructive to the gut, liver, kidney, brain, immune system, and is linked to a myriad of chronic illnesses. Round Up is a chelating agent, particularly chelating vital trace minerals such as magnesium, manganese, iron, molybdenum and colbalt from the body.

Clinical pearl: All grains have elevated levels of mycotoxins, which are endocrine disruptors. Remove ALL grains from your diet and testosterone increases.

Eating foods you’re sensitive to increases inflammation in the body. "The two most common sources of inflammation in the 21st century are sugar (and processed carbs), and hidden food allergens (perhaps most important, gluten).” Mark Hyman, MD

If you’ve been diagnosed with a autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, type 1 diabetes or any type of thyroid dysfunction, any mood disorder, ADD, ADHD, an autistic disorder or experience headaches, bloating, weight loss resistance, aches and pains, anxiety or depression, completely eliminating wheat and gluten is one of the smartest choices you can make. An article published in Health Psychology Review noticed dramatic remission in those with in mood, attention (ADD and ADHD) and autistic disorders when gluten was eliminated. More research published in the journal Psychiatry Research found that sensitivity to gliadin found in wheat, could be driving some people into states of acute mania.

One of my clients was diagnosed by her physician with rheumatoid arthritis. Upon my suggestion, she completely eliminated gluten and wheat from her diet. She'd been on numerous prescription drugs (some with awful side effects). Initially, she experienced a slight healing crisis, fatigue and headaches. By the second week of her gluten- and wheat-free diet she could not believe the incredible transformation and how good she felt. After years of hell, her pain and suffering surprisingly disappeared. She chose to stop taking the drugs and has never looked back.

Gluten intolerance is an inability to digest the protein portion of grains (wheat, rye, barley, spelt and oats). In those who are gluten intolerant, these grains cause a reaction in the intestines that sets off various symptoms. Often it goes undiagnosed because the reaction can appear 12-24 hours after eating gluten.

Gluten intolerance causes multiple nutritional deficiencies and inhibits absorption of nutrients. Wheat raises blood glucose higher than almost all other foods…higher than a Milky Way bar or a Snickers bar.

Conditions Related to Gluten Intolerance/Sensitivity

      Alcoholism Candida Chronic fatigue Celiac disease
      Allergies Infertility Diabetes Hypoglycemia
      Anemia Depression Eating disorders Crohn’s disease
      Inflamed Brain Rosacea Osteoporosis Ulcerative colitis
      Hypothyroid IBS & leaky gut Autoimmune disease Gut inflammation
      Man boobs Inflammation Aging skin & wrinkles Frail bones

Symptoms of gluten intolerance can vary per individual. Children may experience allergies, asthma, anemia, a constant upset stomach, or milk (dairy) intolerance.

Are Your Symptoms Related to Gluten?

       Fatigue; Anxiety; Depression Weight gain; Water retention
       Diarrhea. Constipation Brain fog
       Skin rashes; Acne Gas; bloating; cramping
       Nasal and throat mucous; chronic throat clearing Dry skin
       Joint pain, muscles aches, inflammation Headaches and Migraines
       Gut dysfunction Tendency to overindulge in alcohol
       Hormone imbalances Food allergies/sensitivities

Follow a gluten-free diet. Always read the list of ingredients. A smarter option: EAT REAL FOOD! Gluten is in every grain except rice, amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa (which is actually a seed). Some labels reveal if the product contains gluten, but most do not. Usually the more processed a food item is (often evidenced by a long ingredient list), more than likely it contains some gluten.

F.Y.I. Just because a product is labeled gluten-free does not mean it’s a healthier option. An organic, gluten-free cookie loaded with sugar, potato starch and rice flour may have fewer pesticides, but it’s still processed junk food that spikes insulin. The majority of gluten-free products are processed junk food designed with clever marketing designs. Breads, cereals, cookies, muffins, chips, etc. labeled as gluten-free typically replace wheat with potato starch, soy flour, tapioca starch, sorghum, rice and corn (flour) starch, which quickly metabolize into sugar, spike insulin, increase inflammation and cravings. Healthier alternatives include coconut flour or blanched almond flour. Just eat real food folks!

Hidden Sources of Wheat and Gluten

         OTC or Rx meds Beer Malt vinegar
         Cosmetics, lipstick & gloss Pickles Couscous
         Glue on envelopes Root beer Canned baked beans
         Soy sauce Pudding Boxed soups
         Twizzler’s licorice Salad dressings Powdered gravy
         Communion wafers Sausages and cold cuts Blue cheese

Many restaurants and supermarkets offer gluten-free items. And, be sure to check out my favorite cookbooks with gluten-free recipes.

Are YOU Ready for the Gluten- and Wheat-free Challenge? Do you want to look, think and feel better ever? Are health, vitality, longevity, healthy brain function and permanent fat loss important to you? Do yourself, your brain and your family a favor: Avoid all products containing wheat and gluten.

The results? You will notice positive changes in how you look, think and feel….less bloating, aches and pains, clearer thinking, healthier bowels, more energy, and as a bonus you’ll probably some lose weight too! It can take 30-60 days for the inflammation to subside, and 9-12 months for the small intestinal lining to heal.

While eliminating gluten from your diet will alleviate various symptoms for some, I encourage people to see qualified medical professional for a celiac panel (Cyrex Labs) for a proper diagnosis to rule out celiac disease. Most individuals receive incomplete testing for gluten sensitivity and are often misdiagnosed. Cyrex Labs is a trusted lab and the Gold Standard of lab testing that tracks and detects gut permeability and gluten sensitivity.

Revolutionize your health: Read The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution.

Make an appointment. Schedule a 15-minute phone call to discuss your goals and needs. I consult with men and women locally in the Phoenix area and around the world via telephone or Skype.

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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