Proof Texting with "plan of slavation"

There is this man who has been corresponding with Tara Chapman on the "plan of salvation" - he holds the common idea of many Roman Catholics and Protestant preachers - salvation is for this physical life for everyone who has ever lived - you either "get to go to heaven" or "hell-fire" as determined by what you think and do in this lifetime.

He heard the "plan of salvation" by God as individuals like Tara and myself teach - namely unless you are called and chosen by God in this life time, unless you come to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior, unless you come to KNOW Christ, and have a chance to read and study the Bible, you are neither saved not lost - such people will be raised to physical life in the second resurrection (Rev.20) and be given a chance for the book of life and the books of the Bible - to be opened to them and have their chance of salvation.

This man wrote to Tara, asking her to answer a list of Bible verses he put forth to show his theology on this matter was the correct one. Tara did not have the time and gave them to me to answer, which I did. But I also pointed out to him that he needed to go to my website and study the study called "The Great White Throne Judgment."

He replied by asking we not give any of our words, but only a bunch of Bible verses.

This is the typical "proof texting" game that some people like to play. If you have been reading this series on this blog about "proof texting" you will have seen I believe such Bible games is not the answer to understanding the truths of the Bible. The apostle Paul and others such as the apostle John and James, never answered different topics by just giving a list of "proof texts" - they were wise enough to know that that way is not the way to prove any truth of the Bible.

So you will not find on my website any subject of the Bible expounded by simply giving "proof texts" for it is just a fact that anything can be proved from the Bible by "proof texting."

For the plan of salvation by the Eternal, you will need to read and study MANY passages of the Bible, taking the plain easy to understand texts first, and simply believing them. As one example: there are a number of verses in the New Testament that clearly show you cannot have salvation outside of KNOWING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ as Savior.

You need to read through the NT and mark down all the verses that pertain to this truth - there is no salvation outside of knowing Jesus Christ as the Savior from sin and wickedness. You need to note all the verses to do with being CALLED and being CHOSEN. You need to note all the verses to do with SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS and that no one can come to Christ unless the Father DRAWS them. You need to note the passages that say you are NOT a child of God unless you have His Spirit. As you read through the books of Moses (first 5 books of the Bible) you need to note the passages that clearly say only FEW had the Spirit of God in the Old Testament.

Well all of that is a start in the right direction to understand the plan God has for mankind, the plan of salvation.

There is MUCH MORE to coming to know the truths of God as given in the Bible, than a mere list of so-called "proof texts" - which really is a deceptive way to prove anything you like by the Bible. The truths of the Bible are found by reading ALL the Bible, by searching it, by reading it many times, for God has deliberately scattered a truth on a certain subject all over the Bible, some of that truth here, some over there, some in yet another book of Scripture. Yes it is work to come to understand the truths of the Father. It is like those people who go "panning for gold" - they have to spend hours and hours panning the ground and water for those little gold seeds. In time they have collected ex number of those gold fragments to make a cup full of gold.

Proof texting proves nothing, only you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say, and that is not gold it is the dross of corruption - the gold is still there waiting for you to seek for it, to spend time searching for it, but when you have taken the time, you will find that gold, and how wonderful and precious it is - then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free from the corruption of deception and false doctrines of the theology of men.

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