A Drink a Day - Keeps your Heat-attack away!

ALCOHOL DRINKING. Researchers in Calgary, Alberta, claim they have done THE ultimate research in alcohol and the heart. Studying hundreds of studies from around the world, they claim the truth of the matter is in: one or two drinks of alcohol per day gives you a 25% lower risk of getting a heart-attack, and also gives you a better cholestrol read, which also helps keep the heart in better shape.

So they prove the Bible truth that drinking alcohol in MODERATION is NOT a sin. The studiers also said that their study shows drinking more than two alcohol drinks a day BLOWS AWAY any good effect and does the opposite. This is also the teaching of the Bible  -  MODERATION!!


THE NEW ZEALAND EARTHQUAKE:  The country is on a major world fault line, one of the lagest on earth. It is certainly heart-wrenching to see the news reports covering this terrible event. Many dead and many more injuried. I can not help but think that a country that knows it is situated on a major fault plate line, would have over the last number of decades REALLY gone out of their way to RE-INFORCE all buildings, especially those directly over the top of the fault plate line.


CANADIAN NEWS on earthquake reality tonight brought out that the BIG ONE for the West coast of North America WILL COME ONE DAY. A major fault line stretches from Alaska and all the way down the West coast of Canada and the USA. It is not MAY come, but it is WHEN. All scientists agree it is not a may, but a when.
Western Canada from Victoria on Vancouver Island to Winnepeg, Manitoba, is under record breaking (for this time of year that covers such a large an area) COLD and in some place like Victoria, SNOW. Many parts of the USA have had this winter, horrid weather and snow storms. All of Britain and Europe also had record snow this winter.
With crazy mixed up chaotic world wide weather, wars and rebellion in Arab nations, earthquakes here and there, sicknesses, starvation, economic recession, high unemployment in the Western nations, pain, sorrow, and sadness in different parts of the world, we are certainly into the days spoken about by Christ in the first verses of Matthew 24. All leading up to the every end time - the last 42 months of this age which will see the nations of this earth go through a time of trouble, of great tribulation such as never experienced on earth before.

There is good news beyond all the bad news. Jesus the Christ will RETURN in glory and power to rule all nations, to bring the restitution of all things, and to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth, in that age to come, which all the holy prophets have proclaimed since the world began.

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