Description Essay Sample


Author : Ai Siti Lisma

I’d like to tell you about someone who taught me religious knowledge in the mosque since I was the sixth class of elementary school until the second class of senior high school. Because I don’t have a photo, I am going to describe that someone. He is a boy with straight short hair, an oval face and almond shaped eyes. He has got a tanned complexion, jug ears, a pointed nose, a plump body, and his height is tall. He is Yudhi Permana. He was born in Garut on July 2nd, 1979. He was educated at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. He took Indonesia School of Letters. He left Yogyakarta in 2003.
            He is a teacher. First, he teaches in SMA 1 Muhammadiyah, Kadungora; then, he teaches in SMA 1 Leles. Beside he taught me religious knowledge, he taught me Arabic. He is smart because he always got scholarship when he was student in university. As I know, he is from poor family, but he has spirit for studying, seeking knowledge and putting his knowledge to use for society. I can read Holy Quran because he always help me in order to be able reading correctly. That’s great, I can read Holy Quran step by step with knowing “Tajwid”. I began his student six years ago. When the first times I was taught by him, I didn’t know anything even though I felt very stupid student because I couldn’t read Holy Quran with “Tajwid” and Arabic. His teaching way  is good. It’s full with discipline, so I had motivation to be able “Tajwid” and Arabic.
            I am very proud with him because he has spirit which always gives to his students. He is decisive, discipline and responsible. He handles his students same. If they do the mistake, he always gives punishment. I remember when I did the mistake. I ever came late, and I gave punishment. My ear was pulled by him. It’s no problem because make me afraid of don’t do it. I am happy if he is sharing with students. He is humorous person. If he is teaching, he is serious person.  
            Now, he is my neighbor because he lives in nearby my house. He has got married. His wife is Ida Hindasyah. She is a teacher in elementary school. They have had two small daughter. 

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