
The explaination of this essay is retrieved from Chapter 8 page 100-101

Writing an Essay

An essay is a piece of writing several paragraphs long instead of just one or two paragraphs. It is written about one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, the topic of an essay is too complex to discuss in one paragraph. Therefore, you must divide the topic into several paragraphs, one for each major point. Then you must tie all of the separate paragraphs together by adding an introduction and a conclusion.

An essay has three main parts:
1. An introductory paragraph
2. A body(at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs)
3. A concluding paragraph

Types of Essays

There are five types of essays. Following are types of essays:

1. Process is kind of essay which purpose to describe the sequence of steps in a procedure
2. Division and Classification is kind of essay which purpose to describe the logical divisions of a topic or     the parts of an object.
3. Causes and Effects is kind of essay which aim to analyze the causes or effects of a situation
4. Comparison/Contrast is kind of essay which aim to show the qualities that are similar or different between two things.
5. Problem/Solution is kind of essay which purpose to describe a problem and evaluate possible solutions

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