whatsapp messenger registration / create new whatsapp account free

whatsapp messenger registration / create new whatsapp account free - WhatsApp is a standout amongst the most utilized chatting applications in the entire world. it is has developed so prevalent or popular that we considered it necessary to give a detail data of Whatsapp particularly on Whatsapp messenger registration or Enlistment Process and Activation. however befor we proceed, i will like to give a brief illustration about whatsapp which is as follow; 

WhatsApp messenger is an informing or messenger application which was established in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum who were previous Yahoo workers or employees yet was later obtained by Facebook.

 WhatsApp which is a texting application which utilizes internet connection to enable its clients send and get messages in Form of text or frame writings, pictures, video, voice call and voice recording. 

WhatsApp deals with on all cell phones, for example, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows telephones including Java and Symbian cell phones. WhatsApp registration is completely free of charge, all that is required is a cell phone number and a good connection to the internet in order to lauch the app on your smartphone and start getting with your friends.

How to carry out WhatsApp Messenger Registration

whatsapp registration is pretty much very simple and easy to do, all that is requred of you right now is to follow the detailed procedures as shown below to sign up for whatsapp.

  •  First, visit www.whatsapp.com to download Whatsapp.
  •  After downloading Whatsapp app, install it on your device.
  •  Go to your device and launch the installed App on your device.
  •  Enter your mobile phone number.
  •  Verify your phone number.
  • You will receive verification code via the phone number you entered.
  •  Enter the code as requested, wait a while and then it will ask you to type in your profile name.
  • Then upload profile picture and start adding contacts, moreover Whatsapp automatically shows your contacts who also use Whatsapp.

Features that will make you to create whatsapp messenger account.

  1. With WhatApp Messenger you can share instant messages to your friends in a very high speed unlike other social networks.
  2. You use Whatsapp to share pdf files.
  3. You can make your words bolder  to create attention(available only on iPhone).
  4. It is very cheap to use.
  5. You can make video and audio calls with Whatsapp.
  6. It allows users to share links as well.
  7. Using Whatsapp you can change your wall paper to suite your taste.

feel free to comment below if you find it difficult to carry out whatsapp messenger registration / create new whatsapp account free

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