20 guidlines to make your relationship healthy - relationship guidlines

we recently find the solution of what makes so many relationship in a bad posture just because we don't actually know the right things for your man or your woman. a healthy relationship needs your attention, dedication and commitment. in a short write up, we will keep you detailed on some relevant tips that will make a total great change in you relationship to be healthy.
a relationship can sometimes be affected by your religion, like a christian for example, the things that really matters a lot which we really have to act on is to have the fear of God, trust, care, commitment, honesty, respecting, love, etc and learn how to be sorry when you are wrong. but above all the following tips are the ways in which you can keep your man or your woman.


20 guidlines to make your relationship healthy - relationship guidlines

  • how to keep your man:

1. do not cheat.
2. communicate and TRUST him.
3. do not require much or ask for too much.
4. love him.
5. give him space.
6. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
7. be ready to forgive.
8. learn how to say sorry.
9. work at fulfilling your mate emotional needs.
10. don't fight about money.
11. don't criticize in public.
12. never, ever keep scores of the past.
13. listing with your ears and your heart.
14. treat him like a king.
15. return his calls and text.
16. don't ignore him.
17. compliment his handsomeness.
18. always stand for him at the hardest time.
19. always pray for his safety.
20. always prepare a nutritious diet for him.

  • how to keep your woman:

1. treat her like a queen.
2. compliment her beauty and every good dress she put on.
3. do not ignore her.
4. protect and respect her.
5. learn how to say sorry.
6. work at fulfilling your mate emotional needs.
7. don't fight about money.
8. don't criticize in public.
9. never, ever keep scores of the past.
10. listing with your ears and your heart.
11. treat her like a princess.
12. return her calls and text.
13. always put her in your prayers
14. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
15. always stand for her at the toughest hour.
16. provide for her needs.
17. give her protection and shelter
18. always fix a date with her
19. take her to beautiful places that will create a beautiful memory of you in her heart.
20. always hold her hands while you guys take a walk and treat her like baby.

please feel at ease to use the COMMENT section bellow for any question or recommendation about the 20 guidelines to keep your relationship healthy and perfect and we will be in touch with you as fast as possible.

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