TOP 5 exercise every woman should carry out to improve her sex life - lifehack


Their is a few steps away for you to work out away from a better sex life! Not only  can you slim up or lose weight, or cause  your endorphins to soar, but you can rely on exercise to make the time you spend on bed with your partner more enjoyable and fun. with some recent discovery indicate that improved body fitness as well as engaging on 10 - 20 minutes of exercise daily will enable you to have sex as fun and become more sexually aroused. in addition to some other training such as Cardio and strength exercise, flexibility is essential for better sex life. it helps to alleviate aches and pains and allows you and your partner not to have it very difficult.

♣ below are 15 exercise you should engage on to enable you to improve your sex life.

♣ Bridge pose.
♣ kegels.
♣ stability-ball pull-INS.
♣ Open leg rocker.
♣ happy baby pose.

♣ Bridge pose:


bridge pose is very essential because it strengthens the glute, inner thighs and hamstring and stretches the hip flexor. due to the fact that the pelvis is inverted, this particular exercise awakens the pelvic floor muscles and enhances stronger and more controlled orgasm.

♣ how this exercise is done {Bridge pose}:

lie flat on the floor with you back straight your fingertips with your feet hip distance apart, bend your knees then gently lift your buttocks off the floor. keep the posture on hold and hold your kneels from spraying out then press through your feet, hold the pose for 40 - 60 seconds lower your pine one vertebra at a time, down to the tailbone.

♣ kegels:

This exercise is needed to improve the strenght of your muscles such as pelvic floor muscle, the makes available awesome sexual satisfaction and stronger orgasm.

♣ how this exercise is done {kegel}:

it can be done anywhere, sitting, standing or lying down. be determined to strenghten those pelvic floor muscles hold the pose for 3 - 5 seconds. do that for five 5 minutes a day.

♣ stability-ball pull-INS:


This is a super awesome exercise to enhance the abdominal muscles and protect  your back from injuries while having sex.

♣ how this exercise is done:

Climb your two legs on a ball keep your arms strong and straight slowly roll the back out as you straighten your legs. keep your upper body and hips strong through the range of motion to prevent injuring your lower back.

♣ Open leg rocker:


this exercise is essential to improve and  balance through the core control and strength this is made up of the pelvic girdle, lower back and abdominal, it enhance not only the muscle bit all the pathways that help to improving sexual pleasure. hold the pose for 5 - 10 minutes.

♣ how this exercise is done:

lie flat on the floor, sit upright with your kneel bent into your chest, legs about shoulder-width apart. roll your shoulders back and down and lift your chest and slowly lift and spray your legs.

♣ happy baby pose:


this particular exercise is excellent because it relaxes and opens tight lower body muscles. it gives an excellent stretch for thee lower back, glutes, hamstrings and hips.

♣ how this exercise is done {Happy baby pose}:

lie flat on the floor with your knees bent toward your your chest, keep your tailbone down as you get hold of your feet with your hands and drag them down so that the knee with move toward the floor. relax your neck and breathe deeply, lengthening the breath as you go. hold this pose for 3 - 5 minutes.

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